Chapter 26

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A/N- Happy New Year! As of writing this, it's just after 10:30pm on 1/1/2022! I hope you've all had the best end of the year, and I hope that this new year brings you all much happiness and good health! It's the first day of another year, another chapter, lets make it a good one, regardless of whatever is happening in the world (you know what I mean)! This chapter is sort of a filler but I guess still has its importance, Brodie and Bella go to Brodie's parents for dinner to break the news, the question is, how will they take it? Will they be happy for them, or have doubts? This chapter also leads to a certain something that'll be in the next chapter, and it'll contain a song too! I hope you enjoy it, please let me know what you all think of this story so far, I am eager to get feedback on it!!!! Have a great first week of the year! 


Chapter 26

Bella's POV

It's a lovely sunny evening. A nice evening to be going to Brodie's parents for dinner. I know that we have only been in a relationship for a couple of days, but it feels like much longer. We're in his Discovery and on our way to his parents house, he's concentrating on the road ahead. The first thing he did when he saw me after work was give me a long and gentle kiss, it must have lasted for at least 5 seconds if not longer. It was a kiss that we were desperate to share since we parted ways this morning for our day of work. It's strange to be telling myself over and over that he's my boyfriend now, I'm his girlfriend. Strange in a nice way, of course.

"I saw in the papers today that the police are still appealing to talk to Jordan for the death of Shannon" I say as I recall seeing it briefly mentioned in a paper I had a quick read of at work. "Is there any kind of breakthrough on her death?" I ask. He shakes his head before he starts talking.

"Not really. It's still under investigation which could take months, at the moment it looks like a suicide. Her family are adamant that she wouldn't have ended her own life" He answers. "We just need to talk to Jordan, but there's no trace. We have no idea what he looks like, for all we know he could be a worker in the local shop. Or not even in this country. The police are desperate to find him" He explains.

"All we can do is remain hopeful. If the guy is innocent, he's probably just scared in case he looks guilty" I say. He nods in agreement.

"Yeah but, you're supposedly innocent until proven guilty, at the moment we just want to know what happened between him and Shannon. He may well have been the last to see her alive, even if he didn't do anything to her, if it was a suicide like it looks to be" He says.

"True, but not everyone sees it that way. The people who don't like the police believe that the police think you're guilty straight away" I say.

"They don't understand that we just want to get to the bottom of it all, close the investigation. Get some closure for the family, justice as well, if there is any to get" He says. He knows that. I know that. A lot of people know that. But there are still many people that don't think that. "Kirsty came by to see me earlier" He tells me. It almost sounds like a confession, like he's concerned that I'll think he's done something wrong.

"Ok" I say, unsure of what else I should say. He glances at me very briefly.

"She came to the station. She's leaving tomorrow morning, she's been getting help, therapy, and she's decided to go and live with her brother in Scotland, until she gets her own house. She came by to say goodbye" He explains.

"She's leaving the area? It might be what she needs, a fresh start" I say.

"She wished us well, wanted me to tell you that she's sorry for how she was around you. She's happy for us both" He says. "It was a strange feeling, since we broke up all I wanted was for her to move on from me, be happy without me, but she wouldn't and I got to a point where I actually wanted her out of my life completely. But seeing her today, she looked different in a good way. She looked better and even told me that it's the first time since we split up that she's actually been happy. I was actually a little sad to know that it was likely the last time I'd see her, not that I didn't want her to go or anything, but we even agreed to try and keep in touch now and then. I told her to take care of herself and she kissed my cheek. There was no hint of obsession or jealousy in her anymore, it was gone. I was and am happy for her that she's finally in this position, she's happy without me and moving on without me. I guess I'm just glad that what might have been the last time we saw each other, it didn't end on bad terms" He explains.

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