Chapter 8

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A/N- Here is the second chapter for this week! I hope you enjoy it. Recommend this story to other wattpad readers to check out, vote and comment. There may be some slight 'medical' inaccuracies in this chapter, but I'm no medical professional, so that I guess is to be expected. I am on my way to finishing writing the story itself, I'm in the middle of what I think is the second to last chapter, and I have to admit, I am really pleased with the story. It does need a few minor tweaks and editing as they get posted on here, which I have been doing as I've prepared to post them. Again, I hope you enjoy! 


Chapter 8

Bella's POV

Today is a very exciting day for me. I don't remember the last time I felt this excited about anything, probably when Jason and I first started dating. He was such a different man back then, he was my dream and it is sad that everything changed for the worse, but at least I'm not there anymore. My baby and I are safe now.

I get to see my little survivor again today. I'm super excited for it, although I'm also nervous because the last time I saw the baby, he or she was underweight and that was a bit of a concern. In all honesty, I'm lucky I haven't lost the baby, but I'm determined to keep myself healthy and keep this baby growing and healthy.

I'm also happy to have noticed that over the last few days, my bump has started showing more. I even asked Brodie if the bump looked bigger and more visible as I wanted to make sure I wasn't just seeing what I wanted to see, but even he grinned when he saw how much my bump is starting to show, although I feel it may still be a little small, but then I think some people barely show a bump at all during pregnancy, but that's what this appointment is for, to see how things are going in there.

"I'm so excited to see you, my little survivor" I say as I rub my bump. I make my way to find Brodie and see that he's talking to a lady in the kitchen. He looks over at me as he notices my presence and pauses talking to her.

"Bella, this is Rita. Rita, this is Bella" He quickly introduces.

"It's lovely to meet you, Bella" Rita smiles.

"Great to meet you too, and thank you for you know, ironing my clothes that day, Brodie insisted, but I appreciate it" I say.

"Oh, don't mention it" She says.

"I was just having a quick chat with Rita about what my parents had arranged with her" He briefs me.

"I'm sorry if I told them anything I shouldn't have, it's just that the family have been very good with me. I didn't want to-" Rita tries to explain but I stop her.

"It's fine, Rita, honestly, don't worry about it" I assure her.

"I've spoken with my parents about it and they've reluctantly agreed to stop treating you like a spy. It's not fair on you, or me" Brodie says.

"Of course, Mr Corbin, and it won't happen again. I can see that it makes you uncomfortable, I don't want you to feel uncomfortable in your own home" She tells him.

"Please, just Brodie.. it's not about being uncomfortable with it, it's about having privacy. Everyone is entitled to their privacy, my parents don't need to know everything that goes on in my life" Brodie explains. Rita nods, understanding him.

"Absolutely, and I know that I wouldn't appreciate it either" She says. Then looks around the area. "Anyway, I better crack on with what I'm here to do, again, lovely to meet you Bella" She smiles.

"You too, Rita" I nod.

"We should get going to your appointment" Brodie points out as he sees the time.

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