Chapter 23

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A/N- Hey everyone, hope you've had a good week! You'll like this chapter, this chapter and the next chapter are like.. together chapters, next chapter follows on from this one. This one is Tony's retirement party, which is a nice party. Enjoy and I'll be back soon with the next one! 


Chapter 23 

Bella's POV

Would I be lying if I said I wasn't nervous? Yes, I would be, because I am nervous. I don't even know why. Perhaps it's because I want to make a good impression. Maybe it's because I'm going to be dressed up for a big party that I feel I have no place being at. Whatever the reason, it's a feeling that I'm going to have to push aside, if not for myself, then for Brodie. He has done so much for me since the day we met, and I feel like I haven't done anything in return for him, except being his plus one to this party, a party that he asked if I would accompany him to and I said I would. I just hope that I fit in well enough. Brodie's boss, Tony is a well respected man. The people who have worked with him over the duration of his career will be there, and will be looking amazing. I hope I'll look amazing. That's what Astor has the important mission to do today. She hasn't stopped talking about how she's going to give me the best make-over, not that I look bad now, but she'll make me look stunning for Brodie. Just like she'll look stunning for Holden, not that I've told her that.

I'm brought out of my thoughts when I hear my phone bing, the sound for when I receive at text. It's Astor.

'On my way, I'll be there shortly. Be prepared to look fabulous! ;D' It reads. A smile creeps onto my face as I shake my head in amusement. I can hear her voice in the text, exactly how she'd be saying it. We're due to leave for the party in just a couple of hours or so.

"Holden will be here soon. The four of us are going in my Discovery to the party, Holden wants to have a couple of drinks so he doesn't want to drive there" Brodie says as he joins me in the game room. I'm attempting to play darts. Or rather, I was. I was distracted with my own thoughts that I stopped playing, and then Astor's text woke me up again.

"Fair enough, Astor just text that she's on her way" I say as I pick up three darts to throw at the board.

"What's your score?" He asks as he picks up the other three darts.

"Backboard, backboard, and out" I answer. He laughs. It's my first time attempting to play.

"You need any help?" He asks. I stand in position and aim the dart, then throw it. It hits the wall and falls to the floor, bouncing a couple of times.

"I've never played before" I admit as I pick the dart up.

"I'll demonstrate" He says as he takes my spot and aims the dart.He holds the dart in front of him and takes aim, then throws his arm forward, releasing the dart and it quickly lands on the board next to the bulls-eye. "You need to have enough force in your throw in order for it to land properly" He explains. He steps aside and gestures for me to have another go. I take my position.

"Is this right?" I ask.

"Sure, you look good" He nods. I bring the dart up in front of my face and take aim. I throw my arm forward and release the dart, it flies over to the board and lands on the number 12. "Good shot" He claps, encouragingly.

"Thanks. The first time I've hit a number" I chuckle. I throw the next two and they land on the 20 and 11.

"Nice, all three are on the board" He says, impressed. Exactly.

We spend some time playing darts together, obviously Brodie is much better at the game than I am. We hear the doorbell and I quickly remember that Astor was on her way.

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