Chapter 25

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A/N- Hey everyone! Merry Christmas!! I hope you're all having a wonderful christmas! It's my favourite time of year, family time, fun time, everything about it. Anyway, as promised this weekend, despite christmas, the next chapter, especially after everything that happened last weekend, so enjoy! No song for this one this time, I'm not exactly sure when the next time will be actually. Be back next weekend, have a great final week of 2021, and stay safe!


Chapter 25

The last couple of days have been a real game changer, in the way of going to a retirement party turning into myself and Brodie becoming something more than friends, a relationship I think. That's what he has called us and I'm not even conflicted about it. I never thought that I would have another relationship so soon after escaping Jason. The only relationship I wanted then was the one I'm about to start with my unborn son. Back then I wasn't even considering reuniting with my own family, I thought I was the last person they wanted to see again. Jason had made sure that that is what I thought. He made sure I thought a lot of bad things about myself and my life.

And now, not quite 3 months later, I've met and bonded and even started falling in love with another man. A good man this time. A man that works hard, that genuinely cares, and cares not only for me, or my son, but anyone, everyone really. It's his job to care as much as it comes naturally to him. He naturally wants to take care of people. He wants to take care of me and my baby. He really is the complete opposite to Jason and I don't know why I got so lucky with him, why didn't I find him sooner? Meet him instead of Jason? Why did I fall for Jason's charm and run away with him so soon after meeting him, put him and us before my own family?

You think you know everything when you get to that age, going onto adulthood, but the reality of it is that you really have no idea at all. You're still just a kid really. You become a young adult. You may decide to stay in education until you're in your twenties, maybe learn to drive, begin to make something of your life, trying to start your dream career. At the age of 17/18 you may have some idea, but really you have no idea of what is actually awaiting you in life with running a home, paying bills, working 40+ hours a week just to get by. There was me, meeting Jason and falling for him in the matter of days, and with no idea that I'd run off with him, and eventually start getting abused and controlled by him.

But I'm not that age anymore. I'm 23 and now I do understand more what awaits me in life. First things first is my baby and our future. Second thing is Brodie. If things work out for us, he'll also be in my future. A cosy and loving home. And a much easier life than the one I was living with my ex.

"Morning" Brodie greets in a sleepy voice as he wakes up next to me. Sleeping with him the last couple of days have been amazing. Blissful. Waking up next to him gives me the best feeling. Him leaning into me and kissing me long and passionately makes me want to pinch myself to make sure I'm not dreaming.

"Morning" I smile at him. He turns onto his side to face me, then leans in a kisses my lips.

"How long have you been awake?" He asks gazing at me.

"Not long, maybe 20 minutes. I've just been thinking" I answer.

"About what?" He questions, his eyes not leaving me.

"The past, the present, the future. How clueless I was when I met Jason. How lucky I am to now have you, and what's awaiting me in the future" I say, rubbing my bump as a gesture to my future.

"The past is in the past, you can't change anything about that. What matters is now and what you now has an impact on what happens in your future. And like you said, you have me, and you have a beautiful boy on the way" He says.

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