Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

We arrive at the hospital, the girl remains unconscious, strapped to the stretcher with an oxygen mask over her face. I have a blanket wrapped around me as I am in soaking wet clothes and freezing cold. The paramedics have tried to assure me that she'll be fine, that if it wasn't for me and my quick thinking then, she would be dead. I told them that it's my job to be quick thinking, it just so happens that I'm not working right now.

I follow the paramedics in as they push the stretcher into the hospital, telling the doctors and nurses the situation and what the girls vitals are. They're having to call her 'Jane Doe' at the moment as none of us know who she is.

"Err, excuse me Doctor" I interrupt.

"Who are you?" The male doctor asks, a little bluntly.

"The man who's just saved her life, literally" I answer.

"Oh right, ok, well done, you did good" He says.

"You should know something. She's homeless, and I think she might be pregnant" I say. He looks over at me with an are-you-serious look. "When she started breathing, she puts her hands to her stomach and apologised. I could be wrong, it just seems like a possibility to me" I say, shrugging a little.

"Ok" He nods. "We'll get a look at that, she's in good hands now. You should get checked out yourself. You look frozen" He says.

But I don't want to go. I want to stay here, with her, the girl whom I don't even know her name. She needs someone to be with her. I'll be that someone, until we find out who she is at least.

"I'm fine. I just need a change of clothes, mine are soaking wet" I say. He nods.

"We'll get that sorted for you" He says and starts working on the girl.

I stay nearby the girl as the doctors work on getting her better. Eventually someone hands me over some scrubs to change into. I've never worn scrubs before. I step out to change in the toilets, putting my wet clothes into a bag they also gave to me. I feel much better already. I just hope that the girl will be ok!

3 Days Later

Bella's POV

I open my eyes, slowly, adjusting to the light. After a little while, I realise I don't recognise where I am, well, I'm pretty sure I'm in a hospital, but, how did I get here? What happened to me?

I look to my left and see a man sitting on a chair, looking down at his phone, scrolling through social media or playing a game I'm guessing.

I try to speak but my mouth and throat are too dry so all that comes out of me is some weird noise, the man looks up at me, he smiles as soon as he realises I'm awake and he stands up to stand beside me properly. Short brown hair, nicely styled, clean shaven, blue eyes, lovely smile, wearing casual clothes of a t-shirt and a hoodie with black jeans and trainers. He looks fairly fit. He looks after himself.

"Hello" He says. "It's nice to see those brown eyes of yours" He adds. Hang on a minute, I recognise him. I see him walking past me most days, he is the generous man who gives me a fair amount of change. "I'll go and get someone for you" He says. Wait! No, please don't leave me, stay, I have no idea what's happened to me and you're a friendly face. I reach for his arm, too weak to properly grab him, but enough to get him to stop and turn back to me. I shake my head no, to tell him not to go.

I try to speak to him, but again, only a weird noise comes out of me.

"Oh, here, have some water" He says as he brings a cup to me and puts the straw into my mouth. I have a few sips and already feel much better. "Wanna try and speak again?" He asks.

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