Chapter 31

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A/N- Hey everyone, it's that time of the week(end) again! I hope you enjoyed the previous chapter, it got pretty intense with Bella and Jason's scary reunion, and Brodie's involvement as he tried to help. This chapter pretty much continues on from the previous chapter, and it's some good stuff, even if I do think so myself! It's getting dramatic between the 3 of them, and now the police are involved, what do you think will happen? Is Bella finally getting her wish of being rid of Jason for good? We'll have to wait and see! See you soon for 32!! And LEAVE FEEDBACK PLEASE!! I'M BEGGING!! Lol) 


Chapter 31

"How are you doing?" I ask Brodie as he finds me in a cubicle, laying on a gurney. The nurse has just finished sorting my arm injury, a few stitches and a surgical plaster over the top for 24 hours. The baby has been checked and he's cosy and happy in my tummy for the time being.

"I'm officially discharged, a few stitches later" He smiles as he perches on the edge of my gurney. I can see the plaster on his neck, he's probably been told the same about keeping the plaster on for a day. "Are you ok?" He asks, looking at my plastered arm.

"Yeah, nothing serious, a few stitches, a couple of weeks to heal and I might even have a scar to show for it" I answer. He could also end up with a scar.

"And little man?" He questions.

"Safe and sound until he's ready to give his mama her body back" I smile. He smiles back, relieved.

"I'm relieved that you're ok, I'm also a little mad at you for not staying hidden. I could have handled him" He tells me.

"He had you in a choke hold, I was scared that he'd suffocate you, I had to do something" I shrug.

"I had Holden on hand. I told him to give me 30 minutes tops and if he didn't hear from me, to get the police to the house" He informs me.

"Well, I didn't know that, did I.. besides, it felt like a lot longer than 30 minutes" I say.

"Yeah, I know what you mean" He says raising his eyebrows quickly as he looks around the hospital. "Are you getting discharged?" He asks.

"Yeah, I'm just waiting for the nurse to come back and tell me that I can go" I answer. He nods. "I just want to get home, you know, now that Jason is in custody" I say.

"Bella, we can't go home from here, remember, we need to go to the station and give our statements" He reminds me.

"Can't we do that tomorrow?" I request. I'm not really feeling up to it. This morning has been traumatic enough.

"Sergeant Hills has requested for us today, besides, it's better when the events are still fresh in our memory, they need as much detail as we can give them" He explains. I nod, understanding the logic.

"Ok, we'll go as soon as we can get out of here" I nod.

"Trust me, I'm not exactly looking forward to it either, but it's what needs to be done. The police are involved now so it's an investigation" He explains. I nod to say that I understand. "The sooner we get the station done and out of the way, the sooner I can take you both home and take care of you" He smiles. I smile back.

The nurse eventually comes back and tells us that I am free to go, and wishes us luck with the baby. I don't need luck with having a baby, I need luck to get rid of his father. Jason will kill us both.

Brodie helps me into the Range Rover and drives us to the station. I've never actually been here before, I've not needed to until now. It looks like a fairly small building, but I guess there is a lot more going on inside. There are a few different police vehicles parked here and there, vans, cars, motorbikes.

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