Chapter 11

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A/N- The next chapter is here! Things are going to start getting more interesting as well. It's Brodie birthday and that means celebrations, but what happens when a familiar face makes an appearance? Also a little excited because this is the first chapter that there is a song included.. I don't know why that excites me a bit, but it does *shrugs*, lol. I hope you like this chapter. Please help in any way that you can to get this story more and more reads, it would mean so much to me!! Please vote and comment (I haven't been getting either.. yet, but its ok, patience, right?) Enjoy the chapter and I'll be back some time next weekend with the next chapter!! One more thing, I almost forgot, follow my Instagram @ SarahRWriting! 


Chapter 11

It's Brodie's 25th birthday today, and thankfully he isn't working today or tomorrow, so I am able to be awake before him and get myself downstairs, ready for when he wakes up, so that I can cook him some breakfast.

That man deserves a rest. A day of doing as little as possible.

It gets to around 8:30am and I think I can hear Brodie moving around upstairs. I go into the kitchen and find some eggs to crack into a frying pan, along with some bacon, tomatoes, and some bread for the toaster. Once the pan is heated and ready, I lay some bacon in it, then I crack some eggs into it and add the tomatoes, making everything sizzle as it fries.

"Yum, something smells delicious" I hear Brodie behind me. I turn to face him, noticing that he still has bed head and is also still wearing what he wore to bed, t-shirt and bottoms.

"Happy birthday, sleepy head" I smile.

"Thank you" He smiles as he pulls me in for a hug. "How are you this morning?" He asks as he releases me.

"I'm fine, and I slept well, you?" I return the question.

"Glad to hear it.. and I am feeling refreshed" He answers.

"Are you feeling hungry?" I ask as I turn my attention back to the little fry-up I'm making, putting some bread in the toaster.

"Yes I am" He answers.

"Good, because I have a birthday treat for you" I tell him.

Once the food is ready, I serve it all onto a plate for Brodie and pass it to him.

"Did you not make yourself any?" He questions confused.

"I'm not feeling very hungry right now" I shrug.

"Bella, you need to eat" He insists.

"I will, I promise. Just a bit later on" I assure him. He starts eating his breakfast and smiles with each bite he takes.

"This is really good, Bella" He compliments, then puts some of it onto a fork for me. "Please, try just one mouthful. I already feel guilty for eating in front of you while you don't eat" He insists. I roll my eyes and take the forkful.

"You're right, it is really nice" I smile as I chew.

"Are you sure you're not hungry?" He questions.

"I'll have some fruit when I feel like eating, but I'm feeling quite content at the moment" I smile and nod.

"Good. You need to look after yourself and little man" He tells me. I sit down next to him as he continues eating his breakfast.

"I need to apologise to you" I say, he looks up at me and furrows his eyebrows.

"Why?" He asks.

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