Before I Start

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Hello everyone, I hope you are all doing well. Today is the day that I begin posting this story on here for you all to read. Before I start, I'd just like to put this little 'part' up.

Please do not copy my story.

This story is entirely of my own imagination.

I have put a lot of time and effort into writing this story, so I ask that you respect my dedication to writing this story by reading and enjoying it, but not copying any of it. I don't think that I have ever experienced anyone copying any of my stories in the past anyway, so I'm not too concerned about it. It's just a polite, friendly request.

I also want to say that if while reading this story you come across any errors in spelling or grammar or anything, please don't hesitate to drop a comment and let me know so that I can have a look and correct it if it needs it. I have read through the story a few times to pick out the errors, in this story (on here) the errors haven't been corrected (there are quite a few typos/spelling mistakes), but on my own copy of the story, they possibly have been corrected, but it doesn't hurt to mention them so that I can double check them!

If there is any part of the story that you don't understand or find confusing, drop a comment and I will do my best to help you understand it better. Those of you who have read my previous stories will know that I am quite active in the comments section! I enjoy seeing your comments and interacting with you all!

Some parts of the story may seem a bit  far-fetched/inaccurate although I do try and keep it all as realistic as I can, and that is purely for entertainment and possibly drama.

I am quite nervous (as well as excited) about posting this story, and I don't really know why apart from maybe that I want it to do well and be liked by you readers.. so please be nice, haha!

Please feel free to follow my wattpad Instagram if you have Instagram, I post about all things to do with my writing, you can keep up to date with how my writing is coming along. New stories, how far/well they're coming along. When the stories get posted on here, and each chapter that is posted on here. So be sure to follow (if you want to)
My Instagram is @SarahRWriting

Anyway, enough of all of this chatter, I hope you all like the story!

Have fun reading it!


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