Chapter 20

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A/N- Chapter 20 is here at last! I really enjoyed writing this part of the story, I really hope you guys enjoy it! Keeping this short (for once). This chapter does include a song, and one of the much loved characters will be singing it. I think the next few chapters have a song included actually, I like when I have an opportunity to include a song. I hope you all like it! Be back soon for the next chapter (which is continued from this chapter, almost like a part two, in a way)


Chapter 20 

Today is the day that I go camping along with Brodie, Holden and Astor for a few days. I'm not going to lie, I'm a little anxious, sleeping outside again for the first time since my suicide attempt. I know it won't be the same, being that I'll have a luxury camping bed to sleep in and a really nice tent as a roof over my head, but it'll still be a reminder of what situation I was in just a couple of months ago.

But this will be a much more pleasant experience, and besides, I won't be alone. I'll be sharing a tent with Brodie, just sleeping in our own separate parts of the tent. I have nothing to be afraid of.

I am surprised that Brodie and Holden like to go camping, considering that there's wealth. You'd think that they'd like to go on proper holidays in places like Hawaii and the Bahamas, staying in hotels with the best room service. Perhaps they do also do that from time to time. But camping can also be fun. It will be fun for the four of us!

I just hope I don't get attacked by any bugs. I had enough experience with bugs while I was sleeping rough.

I finish packing the bag that Brodie has allowed me to borrow for the trip. I have fresh clothes, pyjamas, toiletries and I think that's all that I need. I hear my phone sound on the bedside table and recognise the sound as a text message. I grab it and see that it's Astor. A smile forms on my face as I read the text.

'Not long now, girl, this trip is going to be AWESOME! See you shortly xox' Oh, Astor, never change! I text her back that we'll see her soon and put my phone into my pocket.

"Brodie?" I call, unsure of where in this house of his he is.

"I'm just down stairs, Bells" He responds as I hear him moving around. I take 'my' bag down stairs and see that Brodie has his bag by the front door, so I place my luggage next to his.

"Are we all set?" I question as he runs around like a headless chicken and puts another bag by the door which I notice is labelled 'Food & Drink' .

"Yeah, almost. I've just gotta make sure that the house alarms and stuff are all set" He stops as he looks at his phone.

"Alarms?" I question. I've never heard of him setting alarms on this house.

"I only set the alarms when I'm away for more than 24 hours, the relevant people know how to disable them if they need to.. Rita, my parents" He explains. I nod once understanding. I wait a moment while he does what he needs to do on his phone, then eventually he puts it away and I see him take a breath as he puts his attention on me.

"Are you good to go?" He asks.

"Yep, I think so" I grin, he grins in return.

"This is technically our first holiday together" He points out.

"And I'm looking forward to it" I say, resisting the urge to kiss him. That would be awkward, although I feel like it would be a natural thing to do. I wonder what his lips feel like? If he's a good kisser?

No, don't think about that stuff, Bella! He's just waiting to get his house back to just being him alone, so that he can have whatever he wants, a new girlfriend perhaps. Not me.

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