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A/N- The end is here. I'm sad, but grateful for all of you who have read this story and hopefully enjoyed it. Thank you all so much. There at the moment isn't any plans for a sequel, but I've sort of left it open in case I do decide to write a sequel. I may however have an idea for a short story that'll relate to this story, if/when I write it, it'll be posted in my Short Stories, I'll probably post something on here about it when it happens. Enjoy this final chapter, leave a review (considering it's the end of the story, could do a full story review), I have considered actually publishing this as a book, but the lack of reads and reviews/comments on this is causing me to rethink it, I'm just not sure, but it's ok. A song is included, I think it's somewhat fitting to the storys end. Thanks again everyone, I appreciate you guys reading this story. See you soon.



Today is a beautiful day. The sun is shining bright up in the sky, keeping us all warm. That's supposed to be the beauty of summer season. Even if us in England do experience so many rainy days. The sun always shines at some point. There's no rain scheduled today though.

"Daddy!" I hear a little squeal and look over to children's climbing area. I smile as I watch Brodie chasing after our 5 year old son. He'll be 6 in just a couple of months. He's growing up so quickly, it's unbelievable. It makes me emotional sometimes. Brodie adopted him just before he turned a year old, he's always had Tommy wrapped around his little finger. They're each others best friend. Tommy doesn't know that Brodie isn't his biological father, Brodie and I decided there isn't any need to tell Tommy who his real dad is, it's not like he's going to have anything to do with him. He doesn't even know that he was born as Tommy Thatcher Owens, since the adoption he has been Tommy Thatcher Corbin.

"I'm gonna get ya!" Brodie says as I watch Tommy and Brodie laugh together when Brodie catches him, bear hugging him as they roll around the grass together.

I look over to Holden as he supervises the kids swings. Pushing a beautiful little girl who is the spitting image of her father, although she does have my hair and cheek bones, she has Brodie's eyes, his smile. Our beautiful little 3 year old. Ella Grace Corbin. She laughs as her Uncle Holden pushes her swing. Brodie was ecstatic when I showed him my positive pregnancy test. It wasn't exactly planned, but we knew we were going to have more children together at some point. He did the same thing during that pregnancy as he did when I was pregnant with Tommy. Attended every appointment, made sure I was taken care of, allowed me to break his hand when I pushed her 'little' body out of me. It doesn't feel so little when you're pushing a 7.5 pound baby out of a little hole. But seeing his face when he saw his daughter for the first time was, an image that'll be forever in my memory.

Anyway, next to my little Ella on the swings is little Zeke Lewis, he's 2 years old. The son of Holden Lewis and Astor Lewis. Holden and Astor have been married for 3 years now, after he proposed on their first year anniversary. They married on their second anniversary, had Zeke the following year, although not on their anniversary. Funnily enough, it was his due date, but he was a few days late. Zeke is Holden's double. He even behaves like his father, in a cute way. Both Holden and Brodie have the kids wrapped around their little fingers, but thinking about it, all of us will do anything to see our kids happy and healthy.

"How's little man doing?" I hear a voice next to me, bringing me out of my thoughts. I look over at Astor as she sits in her chair on the other side of the picnic blanket, cradling little 2 month old Evie Lewis. She's Astors double, but I can see her daddy in her too. I look down at the little one in my arms as he squirms. Our 6 month old, Theo Andrew Timothy Corbin. Sleeping in my arms. A lot of people see me in Theo, but I mostly see Brodie in him. Perhaps that's because to me, he is perfect, just like his father. Maybe I'll see more of me in him as he grows.

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