Chapter 12

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A/N- Hello everyone! Hope you've had a good week! Here is the next chapter, there will be another Jason POV in this chapter. This story is getting more into things now, although there is still at least one more character to be introduced, that will be next weeks chapter. HOW ARE YOU LIKING THIS STORY SO FAR? PLEASE LET ME KNOW YOUR THOUGHTS AND OPINIONS IN THE COMMENTS, AND VOTE! It'll mean so much to me!! I'm wondering if I should change the story cover for this as I'm not really 'into' the current one anymore, I dunno what it is, I just, I'm not really liking it.. and I'm even second guessing the story title 'Homeless', I even have a potential new title for it, 'A Second Chance', what do you guys think? Keep things as they are or change them or what? I want to do anything that'll help it gain a bigger audience! Any advice/tips would be much appreciated! Anyway, please vote and comment, most importantly, enjoy this chapter! I'll be back next weekend with the next chapter! 


Chapter 12

Bella's POV

"Have a good day at work" I smile as I pass Brodie a lunchbox.

"What's this?" He asks as he takes the box.

"I made Holden some lunch" I answer sarcastically.

"It looks nice" He nods as he looks at the food I've packed into it. "What he doesn't know won't hurt" He jokes.

"I hope I've packed things that you like" I chuckle.

"I'm sure it's fine. I appreciate it" He smiles.

"I'll see you after work then" I nod.

"Yep, see you later" He says as he grabs his things and gets going. It has been nicer since Brodie has been on day shifts only, as much as I didn't want him to change his life because of me, being able to see him in the mornings before work and evenings after work, not worrying about being quiet during the day while he sleeps. It's been easier.

"Right, little guy, mum has a few things she has to do today" I tell my bump as I rub it. My bump is getting bigger and bigger by the day. I'm nearly at 6 months and I really feel like I'm making a lot of progress with keeping myself and my son happy and healthy. I've also been strict on the supplements that I have been given to help, making sure I take them when I'm supposed to.

As I've said to bump, I have a few things to do. I've got to do some research and I might even go out for a little bit, by myself for the first time in a while, since meeting Brodie around a month ago. A lot has happened in the last few weeks, I've come so far since leaving Jason. Now I want to be more independent.

I go up to Brodie's office, a room that I have very little to do with. I don't even know how much Brodie is in here, he does use the office, but not often that I've noticed. I sit at Brodie's computer and turn it on. Please tell me there isn't a password to get into the computer. To my luck, there isn't. I guess if he generally lives on his own, he doesn't need a password. I get on with my searching, making some phone-calls and finally have a break-through, putting a smile on my face.

I switch the computer off and realise the time, it's coming up near lunch time. Jeez, that time went quick!

I go into 'my' room and find something to wear in order to go out. I'm heading to town so I want to wear anything other than my pyjamas. Once I'm washed, dressed and ready to go out, I head for the front door and realise the time is now lunch time. Where is today going?!

I need to be in town in less than half an hour and I'm at least a 45 minute walk away. A taxi won't get me there in time. Neither will a bus. I look over to the side and see Brodie's car keys, for both the Range Rover and his new Discovery. I don't even have a license. I need to do this though.

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