Chapter 27

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A/N- Hey whoever is reading this, how's it going? Good I hope! I have notice this week that the reads on this story have appeared to spike a little, I'm not sure on the exact number it was on, but I think it's gained around 80 reads, give or take, which is great! I only hope that this story continues to gain readers! This chapter gives you some insight into Brodie's past, nothing horrendous, but something he isn't proud of anyway. And this chapter includes a song, I like this song to the point that I don't just listen to it once, I listen to it like 4 or 5 times before moving onto the next song, lol. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter, I'm thinking of posting the next chapter tomorrow (might not happen, but it's possible, and it has another Jason POV, so we get to see what he's getting up to again!). Enjoy annd let me know what you think, and vote!


Chapter 27 

Brodie's POV

5 Years Ago

"Brodie, wake up" I hear my mum calling as she enters my room. I lay half asleep, sprawled out diagonally across my bed, laid on my front. My head is half hanging over the edge of my bed and I am able to see that one of my few pillows is on the floor. I can feel that my duvet is only covering my waist down. My head hurts, it's pounding.

"Go away" I mumble sleepily as I roll over and get myself comfy with one of my other pillows and close my eyes to sleep some more.

"Brodie, it's past midday, now get up" Mum instructs. Not leaving me alone. My head is pulsating. I didn't get in until about 5 this morning, I had a heavy night out and I don't remember much after going to the nightclub and having a few too many. Suddenly the curtains are opened, and the sunshine is lighting up my dark room. My head. I can't even open my eyes yet.

"Gosh, you're annoying" I tell her, yelling a little as I grab a pillow and bring it over my head to cover up the sunlight. That's better, darkness.

"So are you! I've just had Jenny over the road on the doorstep an hour ago. She has footage of your drunk backside tramping all over her garden! She threatened to get the police involved, I had to pay her for the damages you made" She tells me, chastising me like I'm a child. I'm 20 years old and she treats me like a kid.

"Mhmm" I mumble.

"Brodie, I don't know how much more your father and I can take this behaviour. You're not a child anymore, you're 20 years old and you do nothing but get drunk at night, cause trouble and sleep all day! Even Rita hasn't been able to come in here for a while, it's a mess. Do something with your life, will you!" She shouts.

"Whatever" I mumble. I'm awake now, wide awake. I may as well get up and have a shower. And get some painkillers for this hangover while I think of it. I sit up in my bed, my head not liking that I'm forcing myself to adjust to the daylight. I can't wait until I turn 21, my own house to do as I please, without my parents being on at me all the time.

"Where's dad and Tori?" I ask, changing the subject to try and stop her moaning.

"Tori is at college, your father is working, something you should be doing, if you would ever get a damn job" She says as she finally leaves my room. All she does is moan and have a go at me. It's like she thinks that all I do is drink alcohol and sleep. But I do help out around the house, I clean the swimming pool once a week, I water her flowers in the garden now and then. Sometimes I even drive Tori to college and pick her up, but that won't be for much longer hopefully, when Tori is old enough to start driving, she will be. The main reason that I don't have a job is because I don't know what I want to do for my career. Dad mentions about me tagging along with him and working with him but I'm not sure. I want a job that I'll be happy with, something that I'll enjoy. Maybe an alcoholic drink tester. Perfect.

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