Chapter 19

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A/N- Hey! Here's another chapter for you readers, two chapters in one weekend (so don't be confused). I hope you enjoy this chapter, it's Bella's birthday and there are quite a few surprises in store for her! Please, if you wouldn't mind, spread the word to your fellow wattpad friends/followers to check this story out, I have been constantly ordering proof copies of this as a book (not published) because people I know keep finding out about my stories and wanting to read this story, so I've overall ordered over the last couple of weeks, around 10 books to give to those interested in order to get their feedback on it. One person so far has been hooked on the book and said she thinks it's brilliant (and she was only 13 chapters in at that point) and that alone is a feel good moment for me, all things considering that I'm a shy person, I'm hearing impaired and have learning difficulties, so people are more impressed with this being my hobby. It's sweet and I really been feeling the support and I truly appreciate it! Anyway, crack on and enjoy this chapter, I'll be back next weekend for the next one (or two) :)


Chapter 19

Bella's POV

"Morning" I smile as I find Brodie in the kitchen cooking some food. We're both in our pyjamas, white t-shirt and black bottoms for me, white t-shirt and grey three quarter length shorts for Brodie. And not to mention, my shirt is starting to become stretched on me.

"Morning" He smiles as he looks back at me and chuckles a little. "Happy birthday" He says.

"Thanks. Jeez, it's weird. I'm 23 years old now" I say as I sit down and stretch, I can still hear Brodie chuckling while paying attention to the food he's cooking, it smells delicious. "What are you chuckling at?" I question.

"Your hair.. it's a little.. you look like you've crawled through a bush backwards, but it's cute" He chuckles as he glances back at me a few times while we talk. I quickly feel my hair and try to sort it out.

"You've got a bit of bed-hair happening too" I point out, chuckling.

"I know, but mine isn't looking like I crawled through a bush backwards. Yours looks fine though, just tickled me a little" He says as he starts serving the food.

"I think this is the first time in a few years since I had a cooked breakfast on my birthday" I say as I think about it. Jason never cooked me breakfast, in fact, he never did much cooking at all.

"Well, today is the day you get a cooked breakfast on your birthday" He smiles.

"Thank you" I smile as he passes me a plate of food. I get a strong smell of the dish. "It smells and looks delicious, Brodie" I smile as I grab my knife and fork to start eating.

"You are most welcome" He says as he sits with me with a plate of food for himself. "So, out of curiosity, do you have any plans for today?" He questions as we eat.

"Such as?" I ask.

"I dunno, such as, perhaps Astor has insisted on you both having a girls only day or something?" He questions. I chuckle a little.

"No, no plans. I haven't exactly 'celebrated' my birthday since I left my family. I mean, when I was with Jason it would be the case of him saying happy birthday and giving me a little gift, that would pretty much be it" I answer.

"Jason would never celebrate your birthday?" He questions in disgust.

"No, he sees birthdays as 'just another day, and another year older', and there would be the thing of 'birthday sex'. But that was it" I explain further.

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