Chapter 10

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A/N- Here is the next chapter for this weekend. Next weekend I think I'm going to start posting just one a week, I have nearly finished writing the story itself and then I'll be doing some editing on it, little tweaks here and there, so posting one a week will help me to not feel rushed to get the chapters edited ready for posting, although I'm hoping to maybe be ahead on the editing rather than editing the chapter in time for posting, which is kind of what I'm doing now as I am still writing the story itself. This chapter gives a bit more insight to Bella's relationship with Jason, opening up more to Brodie. I hope you'll enjoy it. As always, let me know what you think in the comments! I really appreciate it! Do you think I should publish this as an actual book? That's what I'm wondering, so it would really mean a lot if I could get some feedback from you guys! Thanks :) 


Chapter 10

"Jeez! I thought you were still sleeping" I say as I turn to face Bella. I get head-butted in the nose and punched in the cheek by a drunk man to then now be startled by Bella. "The shift went a little rough for a Saturday night" I answer.

"Oh my god Brodie! What happened to you?" She asks as soon as she sees me. I haven't even seen my face yet so if she's immediately noticed, then it must be bruising.

"Just a drunk man" I answer, trying not to make a big deal of it.

"Brodie, you need some ice on that" She says as she goes to the cupboard and finds a small sealing bag, then makes her way to the ice dispenser on the fridge-freezer. "Sit yourself down" She instructs as she puts some ice into the bag and wraps a kitchen towel around it. I do as I'm told and sit down.

"There's really no need to make a fuss. I've had worse" I lie, as to not worry her.

"Nonsense, Brodie, this looks like you've been punched a dozen times" She says, slightly over exaggerating it as she holds the ice on my face. It hurts a bit, but it feels nice.

"I wasn't punched a dozen times" I chuckle a little.

"I take it he was arrested for this?" She questions, I nod.

"For being drunk and disorderly and assaulting a police officer. He'll be getting dealt with soon, once he's sobered up, which he's been in a cell all night so-" She stops me mid-sentence.

"Will he be charged for attacking you?" She asks.

"I don't know. I probably won't press charges personally, but he'll possibly get fined for what happened last night, but as an officer, you pretty much expect to be assaulted now and then" I answer. I notice she is having a good look at me, my bruising.

"It looks sore" She points out, making me chuckle.

"It feels pretty sore" I chuckle.

"What did that man do to you?" She asks.

"It was a head-butt in the nose, and a punch in the cheek bone. Believe me, it was worse last night when it was full on bleeding. Now it just looks worse than it is" I say.

"You could have broken or fractured bones" She points out.

"I don't. I was checked out when it happened. I'll just get some bruising, I'm fine" I assure her as she remains standing with the ice pressed to my face. "Do you want me to hold the ice?" I offer.

Bella's POV

It's been a couple of months now, and life has been nothing but love for me, and Jason. I haven't seen or heard from my family since I left that day, and to be honest, it doesn't even bother me. I'm happy with Jason, and I'm looking forward to the rest of our lives together. Jason and I are solid and can get through anything together. Together we can take on the world.

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