Chapter 17

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A/N: Hey everyone, I hope you're doing good! This story is now complete, and I even have some proof copies of it as a book, AND people that I know from work (as well as home) are interested in reading this story! I gave two copies out on Friday and I have some more to order for people to read because I want to get their feedback on it, just like I want your feedback too! The next chapter will have another Jason POV, so we'll get to see where he has gone since his time with Shannon came to a rather sudden end!


Chapter 17

"In the dining room, we've got someone for you to see" Mum calls back. A couple of seconds later, I can see him. My brother. He's changed a fair bit in appearance. Instead of having long-ish wavy hair with a shaven face, he now has short and styled hair with some facial hair. He's gained muscle too, you can tell he likes to work-out. I also notice that he has a little girl sitting on his hip, she looks no older than a toddler and she has tiny blonde pigtails, wearing a little flowery dress.

We're both silent as we stare at each other, seeing each other for the first time in years.

"Hello, Justin" I greet quietly, with a smile.

"Oh my god. I'm.. is it you or am I hallucinating?" He asks, clearly in shock over my presence.

"It's me. It's great to see you again" I nod.

"Nana" The little girl squeaks as she holds her arms out towards mum. Nana? She just called mum 'Nana'.

"Heya poppet" Mum grins as she takes the girl from Justin's hold. "I have somebody to introduce you to" She tells the girl as she sits down with her.

"I can't believe you're home, and more importantly.. you're alive" Justin interrupts. He's definitely in shock.

"I should have never left. I hope you can forgive me" I say. He hurries over to me and towers over me for a hug.

"Of course, Alicia. I'm just glad you're back and you're ok" He tells me.

"We thought we'd never see you again" Dad says. I didn't think so either, until recently.

"She goes by the name of Bella now, honey" Mum informs him.

"Bella?" He questions confused.

"It's a long story. I'll explain it later" I say.

"Oh, right" He says and nods understanding.

"So, anyway, you are probably wondering who this little lady is" Mum says as she fidgets with the little girl.

"Her name is Emily. She's my 2 year old daughter" Justin informs me.

"She's your niece, Alic- I mean, Bella" Mum tells me.

"Don't worry about what name you call me, I'll respond to both" I say. I'm an aunt? "She's beautiful" I smile as I gaze at her.

"Emily Alicia Owens. Named after you" Justin says.

"That's really sweet, I'm touched" I smile as my eyes water. "It's a beautiful name and suits her perfectly" I say.

"Do you want to tell him about.. you know?" Brodie asks me.

"Tell me what? Who are you?" Justin asks, as if only just noticing Brodie is here.

"I'm Brodie, a friend of Bella's" Brodie introduces as he reaches over for a hand shake.

"You're going to be an Uncle, Justin" I announce as I stand up, showing off my bump.

"Oh my god" He says in surprise and a grins forms on his face.

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