Chapter 7

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*In the previous chapter.*

Ash and Jack first headed to the Pokemon Center to heal their Pokemon because they knew the next day would be a difficult one for them and they wanted to be prepared.

After returning from the Pokemon Center, both trainers and their Pokemon slept early on the branches of trees, knowing that the next day would be extremely stressful.


*Next Morning*

"Are you two prepared?"

"Yes, Master! We're all prepared."

"So, Ash, which Pokemons are you bringing with you to face it?" Master inquired.

"I'll bring my team of Pokemon from Kanto, which includes Pikachu, Ivysaur, Charizard, Pigeot, and Snorlax," Ash explained.

"Interesting! You're bringing 5 Pokemon with you? ", Master inquired.

"Master, there was another Pokemon with me, but he's no longer with me. He's working as a firefighter with Officer Jenny." *Here I don't remember in which city he left him.*

"Ash! Your Pokemon is a firefighter?"

"Yup. That's right. It was a Squirtle, of course."

"Why don't you call him in for training, Ash?" Master suggested.

"I believe it is best if I leave him where he is. His team requires him more than I do since he is the head of his squad.", Ash said in a saddened tone.

"Ash, my instruction is to call that Blas... Squirtle in your squad!" Master replied purposefully.

"Did you just say... Blastoise!!!?" Ash exclaimed.

"If you are unaware, I must inform you that the Squirtle is no longer a Squirtle. It has evolved into a formidable Blastoise "Master Calmly said.

"What!! Squirtle has evolved! ", Ash said.

Hearing this, Squirtle's best friend, Ivysaur, emerged from his Pokeball.

"Ivy-saur?" Ivysaur inquired, surprised.

"I think you are surprised as well," Ash remarked.

"But Master, how do you know about Ash's Blastoise?" Jack inquired.

"Well... I encountered him in the woods outside Cerulean City a year ago. I noticed that the forest was on fire, but it was spreading rapidly. I asked Jenny for assistance. After a while, I noticed Jenny driving up in her vehicle. She made a strong break in front of me, which caused the van to reverse, showing a powerful Blastoise inside. That Blastoise put out the flames in seconds. I questioned Jenny about the Blastoise because the police in Kanto generally prefer Growlithe, so seeing a Blastoise working with Jenny was unexpected. Jenny once told you that Blastoise is yours.", Master clarified but it was a lie. He didn't want to say to Ash that he will require Blastoise in the future.

"Now go to the Pokemon Center and get that Blastoise for training," Master instructed.

"Exactly as you say, Master."

After saying this, Ash and Jack run to the Pokemon Center to get Blastoise. Ivysaur accompanied them to meet his old and dearest buddy.

When Ash arrived at the Pokemon Center, he contacted Officer Jenny and asked her to give over Blastoise to him for training, to which she agreed because the Squirtle squad was now a Blastoise squad and could handle everything without Ash's Blastoise. As a result, Ash permanently acquired his Blastoise from Officer Jenny.

"Now, the time has arrived."

When Ash took a deep breath and said, "Come on out!" the red plasma erupting from the Pokeball took the form of a massive turtle with cannons on his shoulder. Blastoise was the name. Pikachu leaped on his shoulder as Ash and Ivysaur hugged him. Blastoise was stunned since he had no idea he was with his original trainer and two of his greatest buddies, Pikachu and Ivysaur. But after a second he realized where he was and he quickly returned Ash's embrace. He'd seen Pikachu before, but Ivysaur was new to him.

"It's great to see you after such a long time! I see you've grown into a powerful Blastoise "As he released the embrace, Ash remarked,

Blastoise nodded and turned to face Ivysaur.

"Don't you recognize it, Blastoise? It's the same Bulbasaur who's your best buddy," Ash explained.

"Blas!" said Blastoise as he hugged his dearest buddy.

"Ivy-saur!", he replied tightening his vine whip

They were conversing when an orange dragon appeared from Ash's belt. Indeed, Charizard was overjoyed to see his old friend, who was becoming a very powerful one as well. They gazed at one other at first, but then shook hands, appreciating each other's strength. All of them suddenly embraced each other, tears in their eyes.

When Jack and his Typhlosion saw the reunion, they both stood aside. When he saw the relationship between those Pokemon, he became emotional.

Snorlax and Pigeot also appeared since they had been waiting a long time to meet Blastoise.Following the reunion, they returned to Master to know the way to the first stage.

*I know I am ending this now but stay tuned for upcoming chapters as many adventures are awaiting during the training journey only. One of my readers asked me so here's the reply.*

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