Chapter 20

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*In the previous episode*

"Charizard! You already know what to do "With a sneer, Ash remarked.

"I'm not sure what you're thinking, but I'm not going to let this fight go any further. I'm going to finish this now! ", yelled Mewtwo, before enveloping himself in a white ball of psychic energy.


When the white ball of psychic energy vanished, the Pokemon revealed itself to be quite different than before. The horror in Ash and Jack's eyes was evident.

"I am X! Mega Mewtwo X ", raged Mewtwo

"Now, if your Charizard's strength is strong, I will show you at what level MY STRENGTH IS!!," raged Mewtwo before unleashing a Mega punch on Charizard.

"Charizard, use your Mega punch to block it!"

Charizard's hands began to charge with a white aura as soon as he heard Ash's instruction. He then clenched his fists with full force and banged them into Mewtwo's fists with full force.

"Charizard, Mewtwo is in your possession; now is the moment to use Seismic toss!"

Charizard then snatched Mewtwo's hands and threw him into the air. He collided with the cave's roof and plunged through it, ripping a large hole in it. Mewtwo was startled by the surprise strike and was unable to avoid it. Charizard then began to rotate in the air at a very high height, forming an earth-like formation. He then fired the strike with full force, throwing Mewtwo to the ground. He then used Flamethrower on Mewtwo from behind, causing the attack to increase Mewtwo's speed towards the ground, resulting in a larger impact.

Mewtwo landed on the cave floor, creating a massive crater. He was in the midst of the crater, trying to get up. Charizard then landed on the cave floor and let out a tremendous battle cry.


"You are going to lose!!," Mewtwo growled as he rose up. He then utilized his psychic abilities to pick up Charizard. Charizard had become entangled in the air. He couldn't move since he was paralyzed. He was simply floating in mid-air.

"Charizard! Now, use your flamethrower!"

Charizard then launched a full-powered Flamethrower at Mewtwo, but it was useless since Mewtwo stopped the attack in its tracks and diverted it towards Charizard, causing him to be hit with his own attack. Charizard was now coated in black soot and remained trapped in Mewtwo's Psychic.

"Now let's see who's the strongest!" said Mewtwo as he approached Charizard and struck him with 30+ Mega punches directly on his stomach, causing him to scream in pain. It was the first time Charizard felt pain and expressed it over these years. He had never shown any signs of weakness in the previous few years, but Mewtwo pushed him to.

"Charizard!" shouted Ash, his eyes wide with terror. The fear of losing again. The fear of not being worthy enough. The fear of not being prepared for the future. Tears welled up in his eyes as he witnessed one of his most loyal buddies being severely thrashed. He collapses on his knees in terror and sorrow.

"Ash! You can do it! Remember what you've learned in the past. Make use of your aura! MAKE USE OF YOUR BOND! ", Master shouted from behind.

As he glanced at Master, Ash wondered to himself, "My aura? My bond?"

But Ash's gaze was drawn to Charizard, who was savagely thrown to the ground by Mewtwo's final Mega punch.

"Ash! I'm confident you can achieve it! Go forward to it !", Master yelled.

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