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"I am begging you. Please give me more details than just that." I told my father with a pleading look on my face.

I even tried pulling out the sad puppy dog eyes. They had always worked any other time I wanted something out of him, why wouldn't they work now?

My father huffed at my begging, resting his head in his hands while his elbows were up on his desk. He tugged on his hair slightly, irritated about the conversation at hand. This had been going on for at least 40 minutes now and I still wasn't giving up. It was obvious that he was beginning to grow tired of it.

"Jules, I can't give you more details." He sighed, looking back up at me. "I don't even have any." I gave him a look of disbelief, not buying that for a second.

"This is all I can say because it's all I know— I have been working with a lot of different people lately that I haven't done much business with in years." He started, taking in a deep breath. "I am in the middle of business with an important.. family. People I have known since my time at Hogwarts many years ago. They are very important to me. They will be very important to you, too." He informed me, leaning back into his seat as he spoke.

"Someone is going to approach you at school soon with some instructions to follow. Probably within the next couple of days if I had to guess. Listen to what they tell you. I don't know much more than that. I am meeting with the family again in a few days to find out more information involving you." He said staring at me with a look in his eyes that read 'just do as I say and stop bickering with me.'

"Okay." I said quietly as I leaned further back into my seat. "But who is approaching me? Shouldn't I know so I can look out for them?"

"Go get ready for bed." He told me, completely ignoring my question. "It's getting late, and I know you have a busy couple of days coming up." My father said as he glanced down at his watch and back up at me, shooing me out of his study so he could get back to his work.

I sighed quiet enough that I didn't think he'd hear it, and lifted myself up from the seat. I started to make my way out of the room, glancing back at him once, before opening the giant door and leaving.

I slowly made my way back towards the grand staircase, in hopes that my father might come out of the room behind me and walk with me. Talk with me. Have a normal conversation.

But it didn't happen, and I found myself at the door to my bedroom within the matter of minutes, and the hallways of the manor remained empty.

I turned the knob of my door and proceeded into my room. This was the only place I could seem to get away in this dreadful house. It was decorated with all of my favorite things, like a sweet escape.

The black walls make my cream colored duvet stand out on my king sized canopy bed in the center of the room. Elegant light pink drapes hanging from the top of the bed to add a dash of my favorite color to the scene. My ivory colored grand piano to the side of the bed matches the bed spread perfectly. The fireplace directly across from my bed, surrounded with a few shelving units that contained all of my favorite books.

My favorite part of all, the chandelier above the giant room. My father had it installed for my 11th birthday after I wouldn't shut up about how I had one of the only rooms in the entire manor without one.

I told you before. Absolutely spoiled.

I made my way over to my black matching bathroom to take a shower. I sat in there for what felt like hours, letting the hot water wash away all of my thoughts.

What could be so hushy-hushy that my father couldn't just tell me himself? Why couldn't he give me something, anything to work with? All I wanted to know was what it was all about. I wanted answers.

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