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I was trying my best to push through the crowd of people standing on platform 9 3/4. I wanted to get to Aria as quickly as possible.

This was always the worst part of the first day of a new term: trying to board the damn train that every other student took to Hogwarts. Hundreds of families always gathered to say goodbye to their children as they were sending them away for months, lucky if they got to see them for holidays. How nice that must be.

Although you could've probably already guessed, of course my parents didn't come to say goodbye to me like everyone else's family did. Why would they?

I know I'm not the only child here without a guardian to send them off to school, and I know I'm old enough to find my way around the train station by myself by now, but still.

It didn't make me feel too good that I knew that my parents didn't care too much to be here with me. They had things they thought were more important. It's not like they missed me any other day that they didn't see me. They probably enjoyed that I'd be gone at school so they wouldn't have to feel bad for leaving me all the time.

I just blew off the idea for now and continued to try and push through the crowd of people. Now wasn't exactly the time to worry about my family and their feelings towards me.

The only bad thing was that no matter how hard I tried to push through people around me, I was failing. Miserably. I am certainly not strong enough to get through all of these people, let alone find Aria in the giant crowd. I prayed that she was already on board just to make my life a little easier.

I glanced up at the clock hanging above everyone at the station. If I didn't get to the train soon it was surely going to leave without me. I huffed out all of my air and continued walking forward.

While I was still trying to push my way through, I felt someone push themselves around me aggressively and jump right in front of my path, cutting me off from getting any closer to the train.


I was ready to give this person a piece of my mind, my nerves were already shot enough. I've been trying to politely make my way through this crowd for 20 minutes, and they were just going to shove me out of the way like that?

Oh, hell no.

I opened my mouth to give them an ear full, but I was interrupted by their own yelling.

"Make a path and let us through. You're running around like a bunch of mad chickens, the lot of you. The next person who bumps me or keeps me from getting to my destination will be hearing from my father, I'll be sure about that." They spat at the crowd, earning intimidated looks from parents and children around us.

Not only did I recognize the platinum blonde head of hair standing in front of me, but I chuckled remembering what Aria had said yesterday in the alley about calling his father.

He glanced over his shoulder, making eye contact with me. He looks pissed. Although, with the way I felt trying to get around these people, I'm not surprised that he looked that way. I probably have the same look on my face.

"Let's go." He said quickly, turning back forward and walking towards the train. With him leading the way, I now had a direct path to get there. Maybe I should've yelled at these people a long time ago.

"I take it your parents didn't bother sending you off this year either, Brown?" He asked me, not bothering to look back at me to talk as we still walked through the crowd.

"No, but it doesn't really matter to me if I'm being honest. I said goodbye to them at the manor earlier. I'll be fine on my own. I have been for weeks now." I told him, not sure why he was having a conversation with me in the first place. Or why I was giving him so many details about my personal life.

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