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"Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to youuu. Happy birthday dear, my sweet, adorable, caring, angelic, beautiful, and everything I could've ever asked for, girlfriend Juliettt Graceeee," Draco sang off key, causing me to laugh hysterically. "Happy birthday to you." He sang, a huge smile on his face.

He held the small plate with the cupcake and lit candle on top in front of me as we sat on a huge blanket, enjoying the picnic he had planned out. We were in a large flower field just a mile or so from his manor. It was still visible in the distance, looking so beautiful from where we sat.

The sun had been shining all day, a rarity for the dark world we had been living in. It wouldn't last much longer, though. The sky was turning orange slowly, mean that our day was coming to an end as the night took over.

I thought of a wish for a moment before I inhaled a huge breath and blew the candle out. Draco's smile never left as he watched, blush filling my cheeks slowly. He reached over and tucked a piece of my freshly cut, short blonde hair out of my face.

Over 14 inches cut off. My mother almost cried as she snipped the scissors about an inch above my shoulders. The color was similar to Draco's now more than ever, taking on an almost white appearance. He loved it. Said we looked like the perfect pair now.

Yeah. Maybe a pair of siblings.

I worried my mother might have overdone it with the lightener this time. She claimed it would look gorgeous in the summertime. 

"What'd you wish for, sweetheart?" He asked me eagerly. I giggled slightly, not knowing why he'd ask me such a thing.

"I can't tell you, or it won't come true." I laughed, reaching over and fixing the collar on his black button up shirt. He made a disappointed face, wishing he could know what I had been thinking about.

"You look so pretty." He changed the subject, his smile slowly returning to his lips as he stared at me. "I like your dress." He ruffled the skirt slightly. It was a white spaghetti strapped sundress covered in tiny yellow flowers. I smiled warmly at him before I replied with a 'thank you.'

"Here," he held the cupcake out towards me. "I made it myself." He smirked, not sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing. "I like to cook... I've never baked before in my life." He admitted, his laughter almost cutting off the end of his sentence.

"Oh good grief." I said in worry. "If this poisons me or something, you know that the first suspect is always the significant other. You won't stand a chance." I laughed, picking the cupcake up off of the small dish. I pulled the paper down and examined it slightly.

I took a large bite, moaning instantly at how good the taste was. I gave him a huge thumbs up as I took another bite. My favorite; chocolate cake with chocolate frosting. I wasn't surprised he had gotten that right. He knew and had almost every detail about me memorized by now.

"You have a little something right..." Draco slowly reached over, pushing the cupcake into my nose and leaving a spot of icing on the top of it, "there." He laughed, not believing I had fell for it.

"Fuck you," I laughed loudly, shoving the cupcake into his face harshly. I smeared the icing all over him, causing him to let out a squeal of surprise. "What? Did you think I wouldn't fight back?" I laughed.

"No, but you won't like this." He laughed, leaning in and kissing me forcefully. He laid me backwards gently, allowing us to lay down on the blanket.

The kiss caused the cupcake to spread all over me, too. I was glad it was summertime so I had little makeup on, or it's be ruined now. My really tan skin and dark freckles were too pretty at this time in the year to cover up.

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