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Draco and I walked hand in hand into the castle, surrounded by other students in their robes, looking identical to us in their wardrobe. All except for the different colored patches that resided on each of their chests, depicting the house they belonged to. The other difference was obvious as well.

Most students sulked through the courtyard, dreading attending the classes they had in store for them that day. I would have felt the same sort of depression if I didn't feel the warmth of Draco's hand in my own, rubbing soft circles on my skin to keep me calm.

Maybe that's what all my anxiety and excitement had been about all morning. Draco was finally at Hogwarts again, and I was no longer alone or the third wheel that my friends pitied and dragged along to and fro.

"What's funny to me is that I used to worry about the stupidest things when I'd walk around these corridors," Draco breathed suddenly, also feeling the heavy atmosphere that other students carried during the gloomy day. "How handsome I looked during the day. What kind of grades I'd be receiving at the end of the term. If I had enough fire whiskey stored away under my bed for Blaise and I to sneak out and drink in the astronomy tower." He chuckled at the last one as he thought back on his fond memories shared with his best friend. "What your gorgeous little face was up to during the days," he joked as he reached up and pinched my cheek, causing me to giggle. "It's just crazy that now I come here and I feel like I don't even know the place," he spit the words out like they were poison on his tongue. "Makes me sick. This place has gone to the dogs," he said harshly.

I turned around a corner, and saw that the hallways were mostly empty by now. The students were arriving to class on time, but Draco and I knew we were going to be late this entire time with how late we had finally left my kitchen this morning.

What's a few more minutes?

I shoved Draco behind a pillar quickly, causing annoyance to cross his face. I glanced around the empty halls before I placed my body against his, holding him in place by the large window.

"Jules, what on earth are you doing?" He asked me as he looked down at me in confusion. I grabbed a handful of his hair and passionately placed my lips on his. "Never mind, carry on," Draco whispered, reattaching his lips to mine with hunger. We stayed like that for a few seconds before he pulled away breathlessly.

"We can take this to a closet y'know," he teased as he licked his lips quickly. "What's gotten into you today, anyway," he chuckled, thinking my behavior had been a little erratic, especially for how tired I should've been.

"I don't know," I giggled as I buried my face into his robes on his chest. "I just love you so much. I'm happy you actually came back with me and that we're together again." My hushed words were slightly muffled as I kept my face hidden. "I just feel happy. Which, it's honestly a really bad time for, I know. The war is no where near over, and it's only going to get worse, but I can't stop smiling," I giggled as I finally looked up at him. He leaned his shoulder against the pillar comfortably as he smirked down at me.

"I love you, too, sweet girl," he chuckled, watching me admirably as I smiled warmly at him. "I love how much I affect you. I think it's cute," he winked while his hand reached up to brush his fingers across my face.

"Let's go before Carrow unleashes his idiotic punishments out on us. We'll be lucky as it is, considering he has taken over detention duty," I playfully rolled my eyes as I grabbed a hold of Draco's hand once again.

"Can we please shag later tonight?" He asked impatiently, causing me to chuckle as I led him towards the classroom. "Seriously. It's been so long since I've gotten a taste of you, I'm beginning to think I won't live to see another day," he joked, stepping in front of me when we reached the classroom and leading the way as he walked backwards into the room to look at my flushed and embarrassed face.

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