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"Do you think you're finally getting it?" I asked, the room was slowly getting lighter. I let out a long yawn, barely able to hold my head up anymore. We had stayed up all night long trying to get Draco to learn the spell, not sleeping once. Who knew it'd be this difficult?

"I don't know." He huffed. He was definitely frustrated. He stood up from the chair by my desk and made his way over to the deep window sill. He sat down on it and put his back against one side, putting his feet up on it, his legs bent, and looked out the window.

I looked out the giant windows and saw that the stars were still in the sky, but barely. They were slowly starting to go away. Disappearing as the day light was taking it's place.

"Just give me a break for a couple of minutes. Then we'll try again." He sighed. He turned and looked at me, a lazy smile on his lips.

His eyes looked so tired and worn out. He had dark circles under them. I could only imagine what I looked like. I felt myself give him a soft smile back.

My eyes were burning. I was ready to curl up in a ball and sleep all day. Draco tapped the windowsill between his legs with his hand, and motioned for me to come over to him with the other. I walked over, dragging my feet across the floor. When I finally reached him, he pulled me down into his lap.

I sat between his legs, my back against his chest. I felt like I could fall asleep right this very second if I shut my eyes to blink for long enough. He reached over and grabbed a stray throw blanket off of my piano bench, wrapping it around both of us to warm us.

I leaned into him as much as I could, my head falling back on to his chest as I was getting comfortable. He wrapped his arms around my torso slowly, placing a soft kiss on the top of my head. Neither of us said anything, we just sat in the comfortable silence.

I turned my gaze out the window, seeing the sky start to change color. The sun was finally rising. I wasn't sure when Draco should leave my room to go to his own. Surely, our parents would be up sooner or later.

Draco took a deep breath. He sat for another minute or two before he finally spoke up. "This might be Heaven." He chuckled, his gaze also out the window, watching the gorgeous sunrise.

I laughed at him. This was anything but that. "The way we are both going to be tortured when this all has to finally end this morning, it's definitely Hell."

He didn't say anything after that. Just squeezed me a little tighter. I guess he didn't like thinking about it as much as I didn't. The thought of pushing each other away.

"Are you guys leaving today?" I whispered, breaking the slight silence that filled the room. I barely had any energy left at this point, my body felt like it was running on autopilot. I felt him nod his head in response to my question. "Okay." I said quietly. We were running out of time.

"Can we try the spell one last time?" I asked, my eyes almost forcing themselves closed, not being able to fight the battle of consciousness much longer. My head felt like it was going to explode without sleep if I didn't go soon.

"Mmmhm" I heard him mumble against the top of my head. He slowly moved his face down to the crook of my neck and buried his face there. He left a small kiss on the soft skin right below my earlobe. I'd miss this. I held my wand up, trying to hear what Draco was thinking.

I couldn't hear anything. He probably fell asleep at this rate. I couldn't blame him for it either.

"Draco, wake up. I'm trying the spell." I sighed, my own eyes fluttering shut.

"I am up." He mumbled against my neck, leaving goosebumps on my arms. My eyes slowly widened in realization. I can't hear him.

"I can't hear you." I mumbled in disbelief, too tired to make a big fuss about it. I couldn't believe he had finally done it. Thank you, Merlin. Draco lightly chuckled, I could feel his warm smile against my skin.

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