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"No, you idiot! You're doing it all wrong! Jeez, Brown, what has gotten into you? You're going to bloody kill us both!" Draco freaked out as I realized that I added the wrong ingredient to our potion while I was dozing off. He immediately added something else to cancel out the effects and neutralize it so you'd never be able to tell what I had done.

"I'm so sorry." My eyes widened at the realization. "I'm just a little distracted." I said as I leaned forward, putting my head in my hands. I rubbed my eyes quickly, trying to get myself to refocus. I laid there for a moment before I pulled myself together and sat up to look at him again.

"Clearly." He huffed, before tugging at his hair in frustration. "What's the matter? Did Diggory tell you he doesn't want to take you to the ball suddenly?" He asked, annoyance lingering in his voice as he made fun of me. "Couldn't say I'd be surprised. I'd probably grow sick of you at some point, too." He said, looking in my direction.

"No," I laughed, "I don't think he'd ever turn down that opportunity." I said confidently, knowing that it was the honest truth.

Draco just widened his eyes and gave a straight smile, showing that he really had no interest in the conversation. I let out a deep sigh, annoyed with his poor attitude today.

"So, what did you want to give me?" I asked him, reminding him of the conversation we had the other day on our walk. "You said to remind you."

"Um, I'll give it to you after class. Just promise me you won't open it until before the ball." He said, keeping his eyes on our potion as he continued to add stuff in himself, not wanting me to touch it anymore. I didn't understand what he would be giving me that would be some secret. 

"Well, what if I don't wait to open it?" I joked as I leaned towards him slightly. After all, the ball wasn't for another week from today.

I knew I didn't actually have the patience to wait and follow his instructions. Winter break began tomorrow, and this was the last class I'd be having with Draco for a while. He glared at me with warning eyes before returning his attention to the cauldron.

"Seriously, Jules. Don't play with me," he grumbled as he continued working. "My luck you'll lose the damn thing— and I'll be so pissed at you if you do."

"Jules?" I sat up straight and furrowed my brows at the nickname he just called me. Typically the name that only my best friends and my parents called me— certainly not this blonde demon. Draco barely even uses my first name half the time, let alone a nickname.

"Yeah. Jules." He confirmed his words as he glanced back up at me, keeping a straight face before he  looked back down.

"I thought we weren't going to get too close in our 'friendship'," I quizzed him, placing quotes around the word. I was just referring back to what he used to say to me all the time in the beginning of the term.

"I'm still working on that," he huffed. Obviously he was starting to get annoyed by me. Must be lacking patience today.

More like almost every day.

"I won't open it." I suddenly said after a couple of minutes of silence. He glanced back up at me to see if I was being serious or not.

"Promise." I said as I held out a pinky. He looked down at my small hand extended out towards him. A smirk crossed his lips as he looked at it.

"Hmm. I'll take your word for it." He let out a chuckle, not latching pinkies with me. He swatted my hand down instead, rejecting my gesture.


Professor Snape made his way around the classroom and started checking everyone's potions to make sure they were in perfect condition to receive a proper grade. Of course, Longbottom got the short end of the stick after he hadn't even pulled the right ingredients from the shelves to get started. When he was finished making fun of a few Gryffindor's, Snape clapped his hands together and announced that we were free to go.

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