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"Have a good year, my loves." Narcissa told us both as she placed kisses on the tops of both of our heads. "I'm sure it'll be the most magical yet." She said with a smile. She was lying of course. Saying just about anything she could to make us both feel better.

"Wait!" My mother shouted as she rushed down the stairs. Others were probably sleeping at this hour, but she didn't care about them at all. "Pictures! I need pictures!" She insisted, running towards the main door where we all stood.

Draco and I had our trunks stacked by the main door, ready to depart for the train station at any moment. This was not something I wanted to do, especially at such an early hour. I did not miss Hogwarts. I didn't think I ever would. It was ruined. The last day I had there would haunt me for the rest of my life.

My mother held the camera in her hand and was obviously in a state of distress. She had been so busy within recent days, she completely forgot about the start of school happening until late last night. Thankfully, Darby had already taken care of my school shopping in her free time and had everything delivered to the Malfoy manor for me.

"Your last year! Can you two believe it?" My mother breathed out as sadness lingered off of her words. "I remember watching the two of you board the train for the first time so many years ago. Separately, of course. But still." She laughed. "Look at you two now! In love and attached at the hip! It's so strange how these kind of things happen." She hummed. Narcissa nodded her head, agreeing with everything my mother had said. The both stared at us in a daze, looking so happy.

Draco and I both looked absolutely miserable as we stood here. He wanted to return to school just about as much as I did. The only thing that sounded interesting to him was getting to see Snape as the headmaster of the school.

"Go out on the porch. I want pictures." My mother insisted once again as she shoved us forward. Draco opened the front door without a word, allowing for all of us to walk out in front of him. The early morning sunrise barely lit the sky, but left a gorgeous trail of colors across the clouds.

I stood awkwardly, waiting for someone to give me more directions on what we were actually doing. If someone allowed me to, I think I'd fall asleep at any second. The French toast breakfast that Draco had made for me had filled me up and made me feel so drowsy. My favorite breakfast to get through this lousy day.

My short hair was curled slightly as I had a headband pulling it back. I had on light makeup, not wishing to wear very much because I'd probably sleep the entire train ride. Last nights adventures left me feeling so drained. It had been so late by the time I had actually gotten ready for bed.

My black button up shirt and tennis skirt weren't the most comfortable attire, but it was rare that I wore anything else on the first day. My black boots and high socks pulled it all together, matching my depressed mood. Draco looked handsome as he stood next to me in a black matching suit. The top buttons of his dress shirt were undone slightly, allowing for his thin silver chained necklace to show as it peaked out.

"Here, come over this way." Narcissa directed us as she walked across the large stone porch. Draco huffed out his breath in annoyance, wishing he could go back to bed as well.

He ignored whatever directions his mother tried giving us, taking a seat on one of the white wooden rocking chairs that sat along the porch in front of the large windows. He didn't say a word as he grabbed my waist and pulled me down onto his leg. He looked up at my mother with a blunt expression, waiting for her to take the picture already.

"Well, that's certainly not what I had in mind, but it's cute." Narcissa sighed as she walked back over towards us. She was tired of Draco's stubbornness after dealing with it all morning long. I turned to look at Draco for a moment who still held a hard gaze.

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