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Dinner was silent as my family and the Malfoy's sat at the dining room table. The other visitors tended to eat in their rooms away from each other. Narcissa, however, insisted on all of us eating as a family every night. Thought it would make things feel more normal for us.

It never did. We all sat across from each other in silence every night. There was no need for us to try and make any small talk. We knew all the details of the others lives without even asking. There was nothing pleasant for us to talk about either.

"Well." My father sighed, breaking the awkward silence in the air. "I think I'm gonna go on and head upstairs. The meal was lovely. But I do have some work to finish up." He gave an awkward smile as he pushed himself out from the large table. Lucius followed behind him without a word, leaving Draco and I behind with our mothers.

Draco pushed around the food that sat on his plate, a grim look on his face. His mood hadn't changed improved at all recently. If anything I think it got only got worse with time. Within the next few days, if he the ones stuck on a train with him as we returned to school. The thought of not only going back to that retched place tore me apart inside, but dealing with his attitude didn't make me feel any better.

He was hardly my Draco anymore. Everything was so doom and gloom with him. Anytime I tried making him feel better, he gave me the same fake smile and a kiss on the head.

What good am I to him if I don't even make him feel happy anymore?

He had simply accepted his fate as a death eater. There wasn't much else he could do. Work, school, and spend the rest of his days being dictated. All for the love of pure-blood domination.

I stopped staring at him across the table and glanced down at my forearm. I let out a deep breath at the stinging sensation, causing everyone took look up at me from their plates. The feeling hardly bothered me anymore, though this was the first time I had felt it recently. I had adapted to it.

"I suppose I have to go." I mumbled as I pushed myself out from the table. No one said a word as I made my way out of the dining room and upstairs towards the study.

They deal with shit like this everyday. I was lucky enough to be left alone for the past few weeks.

The walk down the corridor felt like it took ages for me to complete. Like the floor kept stretching as I made my way towards the door where the Dark Lord carried out all of his business.

I wasn't the only one present as I could hear more voices coming from inside of the study. I pushed the large doors open, taking a step inside to join the group. The voices died down as they turned to look at me, a smirk appearing on the Dark Lord's face as I approached.

"Haven't seen you around much, sweetheart," he breathed out. "You finally showing your real face in all of this? That you don't want to be here after all?" He laughed at me once, picking up his wand incase I gave an answer he didn't like. The others in the room chuckled along, following his every move as they sat in office chairs in front of his desk.


"If I didn't want to be here, I wouldn't have killed Albus, my Lord." I huffed out, probably giving more attitude than was necessary. It was true though. I walked across the room, joining the others in one of the smaller leather chairs that was placed in front of him.

"Just thought it was a bit strange... you seem to sit around all day and do nothing while Draco does anything I ask." He pushed around a few papers on his desk with his fingers. "I always knew he'd be the better bagged child. Surprised he hasn't grown tired of you himself. I think you have him more whipped than I." He laughed at me once again. The others snickered around me as I stared straight ahead at him.

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