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The New Year had started last night. My friends and I joined the large party in the common room with all of the other Slytherin students that consisted of nothing more than booze, drugs, snogging, and shagging in unattended rooms upstairs. It was as fun as it could have been with my miserable mood lately, but I definitely noticed one of my friends was missing.

I miss him. Why the fuck do I miss him?

I didn't kiss anyone except for a kiss on Dani and Maggie's cheeks because I really wasn't up for going into a hoe phase right now— despite all of the boys that were practically begging for my attention on the dance floor before the ball dropped. If Draco thought that all of the boys had said gross things behind my back before, he'd never believe what some people had grown the balls to say to my face now.

The only one of my friends who actually seems to have their life together is Aria. Blaise giving her a kiss at the party when everyone finished counting down was enough to make me gag. If I had been drinking, I'm sure I would've released my sick right into the floor in an instant. Don't get me wrong, I liked Blaise, but the sight of any affection just made me feel sick to my stomach.

Maybe a new year is what I needed during this entire mess. Maybe I could finally get a fresh start at things.

Except that by now, almost everyone in Hogwarts has heard about Cedric and I. I haven't left my room very much because I didn't like the looks I received as I walk through the halls. Some people look at me like it's my fault... As if he wasn't the one who did horrible things to me? I hated having everyone up in my business constantly, and I knew they were judging me for things they didn't even know about.

I haven't seen or heard from Draco since the night I broke up with Cedric. By the time I had crawled out of bed the morning he left, Blaise told me he had been gone for hours with a sorrowful look. My girl friends all tried their absolute best to keep me distracted from all of the stuff going on in my life, but there was only so much they could do for me.

And for some reason I just could not. Stop. Thinking. About. Draco.

I rolled over on my bed with my wand in my hand as I continued to draw different shapes in the air. Hearts, circles, smiley faces, stars. I felt like the boredom I felt was never going to subside. I was doing anything I could think of to keep myself occupied.

"Are you ready for classes to resume tomorrow?" Ari asked as she sat down on the edge of my bed. I gave a disappointed sigh because I knew that meant having to leave my dorm for the entirety of the days now, but my chest swelled when I thought of Draco coming back here...

"Ready as I'll ever be." I faked a smile, putting my wand down and staring at the ceiling.

"It'll be okay." She smiled softly, placing a hand on my knee. "Have you talked to your mother recently?" She asked. "Maybe hearing from her will make you feel better." She suggested. I shook my head at her.

"No," I huffed, sitting up beside her. "Although, I guess I should reach out. She's probably been hanging out with the Malfoy's for the Holidays. With Draco being home with all of them, I can only imagine what he has told them by now." I scrunched up my face at the thought.

"If he had said something, wouldn't she have reached out to you by now?" She asked, confusion on her face. "He would've had to have mentioned how shattered you were over it." She tilted her head.

"One would think." I chuckled. My parents never wrote me letters. It was always a one way conversation. Even when I sent some to them, I never heard back. It's just the way life went with us.

I pushed the thoughts away almost as quickly as they came. I had been through enough pain in the last couple of days, and throwing myself a pity party over my mommy and daddy issues didn't need to be added to the list.

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