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"Draco has informed me that you are... fully aware of the things that are happening in the Wizarding World right now." Lucius said from behind the large desk. Narcissa sat at his side—not in an obnoxious chair like he was, but as if she was his right hand man. Well, woman, I guess.

"Yes. I am." I stared back at them. My legs were jittering under the table and my palms were getting extremely sweaty. They really had a way of intimidating me with just their looks. Definitely where Draco learned it from.

"You know that the Dark Lord has returned to us at last? That when we were in the cemetery that evening, and he killed that boy-" My brain hit pause on the conversation for a moment, replaying that sentence once again.

Back the fuck up.

We? When we were in the cemetery? Who is we? 

Had both of the Malfoy's been there the night Cedric was killed? Were my parents there, too? How many sick and twisted people got a free front row seat to Cedric's death and Harry's downfall?

"-that he made his great return to us?" Lucius asked me. He picked up a quill off of his desk and ran it through his fingers so casually. His cold eyes returned back to mine when he had finished the question. A shiver had been sent down my spine as usual. Honestly, I wished they were Draco's silver eyes. This would be so much easier.

I nodded my head once before I responded with a, "Yes."

"Are you prepared for what's to come in future months? Or years?" Narcissa asked calmly, trying to ease the tension that Lucius was creating. My eyes diverted over to her's now.

"Well, what all does that entail, exactly...?" I asked quietly, looking between them for an answer. My parents never told me anything important and left me in the dark completely. The only details I was aware of were the small ones from Draco.

Am I supposed to become a Death Eater now? Like right now? Is that what's happening? Why we are having this meeting? Is Draco a death eater..?

That thought caused my body to shudder under my skin, hoping it weren't true. I'm too young for this stupid shit. I don't want to do it yet, if ever. I don't want to be the bad guy of the story. Not if I don't have to be.

"Well, it entails serving for the Dark Lord, of course." Narcissa chuckled. Her cool toned eyes looked at me like I were an innocent child who needed guided— because I am.

Oh, of course! Of fucking course that's what she's talking about. Silly me! Can't believe I even had to ask!

Are these people the Dark Lord's fucking puppies or something? Following him around and listening to the orders that he barks at them for a living. 

What am I supposed to do right now? How do I answer her question?

"Obviously if it's needed, I would do whatever my parents want-" I tried telling her, but Lucius cut me off quickly. 

I see where Draco gets his patience— or lack of.

"This has nothing to do with wants." Lucius hissed at me. No matter how hard i tried, my look of distaste finally showed as I scowled back at him. "What would you do?" He was staring at me with that same fucking look Draco always uses on me. Every time he wanted something out of me. "If you were asked to serve right this very second, what would you do?" He asked me again.

"I'd want to do whatever I needed to do to survive." I said shortly, being a bit of a smartass with him. "And if that means whatever you want it to mean, then so be it." I huffed. I looked down at my hands that were shivering slightly in my lap. I started fiddling with Draco's ring on my finger, trying to find some comfort.

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