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I sat in our Dark Arts class with Draco by my side as Snape carried on the beginning of the lecture. He snaked his hand over my thigh and started fiddling with the lining of my robe, something he tended to do out of boredom. I didn't swat him away, but I never tended to react anymore either.

"Professor Carrow will be taking over the rest of the class today. His 4 week suspension is up, and-" Snape started telling all of us as the door in the back of the room opened up. I furrowed my brows as I sat forward in my seat. If the boring lesson didn't have my attention before, it did now.

"I've learned my lesson. I apologize for my behavior on the first day. I should've never behaved that way."  Carrow told all of us as he stalked towards the front of the room. I sat motionless as I watched him. Bloody git.

"Yes," Snape said, sounding slightly unconvinced. "Well, I have other obligations that I must attend to. If anything else happens, do not hesitate to reach out-"

"That won't be necessary, Headmaster. We'll get off on the right track this time." Carrow promised him as he held up a hand and cut Snape off. I let out a scoff as I rolled my eyes. A few students turned in my direction and snickered at the words that Carrow said as well.

Draco moved his hand away from me as he heard my scoff. After weeks of not speaking to him, he knew better than to get on my bad side right now. He was playing kiss-ass and he didn't plan on stopping me from behaving how I wanted to.

Snape nodded once before he made his way out of the room. Carrow held a fake smile that dropped as soon as the headmaster was out of the room. The room turned cold quickly as fear rose in all of the other students.

I wasn't scared of Carrow. I'd find a way to lie about any accusation he made towards me just like I did the last time. Most students didn't even remember the events that took place on the first day. They moved on to new dramas everyday. There were plenty of them around here anymore.

Besides, if the Dark Lord found out that Carrow had done anything to physically hurt me, he'd take care of it. He needed me on his side. He couldn't let anything happen to me.

"I hate all of you filthy little rodents, you all understand that, right?" Carrow asked us now that he was the only adult in the room. "You all think that just because you are around, what? 17 years of age? That you're all in authority of yourselves or something?" He started questioning all of us. "Just because you lose the trace on you and can use magic when and where you please doesn't mean you get to turn in your teachers when they hurt your feelings." He scolded the lot of us. "I'm in charge of all of you! Me! I have the authority in this room!" He shouted. No one said a word as he went on his rampage. This was bound to happen. I knew he was pissed off, but now he was pissing me off.

I stood up from my desk aggressively and started walking towards the exit in the back of the room. I already had enough of this and it had barely been 5 minutes. I heard many chairs shift as the students looked back at me.

"Where do you think you're going?" Carrow called out as I left the room. I didn't turn back as I continued towards the door.

"Snape's office." I told him flatly. I was only a few feet from the door when I was brought to a stop.

"Muffliato! Crucio!" Carrow yelled out before I let out a blood churning scream. No one outside the classroom could hear the commotion now. I laid on the floor in agony as he let the curse go on. Many students screamed and gasped as well while they watched me roll around on the floor.

"Stop!" Draco yelled towards the front of the room. "You're hurting her, stop!" He pleaded. Carrow just laughed as he watched all of our fear.

"If any of you ever speak up about what happens in this classroom, this is what you will be facing. Do I make myself clear?" He asked all of the students while I continued screaming and crying. Draco pushed himself out of his desk and rushed to the back of the classroom.

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