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I walked behind Dumbledore with a pout on my face while I followed him towards the castle. Walking wasn't really the proper term for what I was doing, and I guess pouting wasn't either. I held a vicious glare and stomped my feet against the ground while I followed the headmaster to his office. I glanced to my left and saw Draco out in the middle of the lawn with Blaise, still arguing like brothers and probably plotting how they'd get Ced later. I guess he wasn't in too bad of shape now that his face was wiped clean, but he was covered in a few cuts and bruises, too.

I scoffed at the sight of him and any inckling of feelings that I had thought I was feeling were completely wiped clean. All I could feel was rage and hatred for someone that could be so horrible. Just when I was starting to think he was a decent human being, he has to go and play dirty and prove that everyone else was always right about him. I should've seen it coming, and I only blame myself. He's always been such a prick.

"Jules!" He yelled when he caught glance of me, immediately running towards me despite Blaise telling him to leave me alone. Thank you, Zabini, for not being as stupid as your best friend.

He eventually caught up to me and it was apparent that he didn't give the slightest care that Dumbledore was walking just a few feet in front of us. I was so angry at him I could feel my blood starting to boil and my mind immediately started to list the million different ways I could beat him to a pulp and make it look like an accident.

"Leave me alone, Malfoy." I spat, keeping my gaze straight ahead because I absolutely refused to make eye contact with him.

"So that's what we're doing? It's back to Malfoy now?" He laughed breathlessly at me. "Jules, you know-" he began, but I cut him off quickly.

"DON'T call me that." I seethed at him while the beginning of my sentence came out much louder than I had meant it to. I had stopped in my tracks to turn and look at him, and my panting chest could almost touch his. We were only a few centimeters from each other because he was forced to come to a sudden stop as well.

"Juliet." He said my name calmly and in a whispering breath. "You know I would've never done that if he didn't deserve it. I was doing it for you! You didn't hear what he said to me!" Draco had managed to raise his voice into a yell by the end of his rant because now I wasn't the only angry one standing here.

"You would've done it just for a pitiful laugh, Draco! Quit lying! You've always been a bully!" I called him out, and that's when he actually started to focus on my words. "He told me what he said to you, and he didn't deserve what you did as a response! You just did it because you're mean to everyone around you!" I yelled at him. "You never care about anyone else! Only yourself! Now leave me alone." I told him, turning and walking forward once again.

Dumbledore had finally turned around to look at us while he stood up near the castle without me, indicating that he had finally had enough of our childish bickering. Draco caught the hint and stormed off in the opposite direction, giving up on fighting with me for now, and probably going to choose a different punching bag to take his rage out

Dumbledore and I continued up the stairs to his office and at the top of the tower, I was met with a few familiar faces inside the door. I looked at them in slight worry, wondering why I would have to be here with any of them. What would I have done to deserve this punishment?

Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, and Fleur's little sister— who I've never talked to, but they look exactly alike— we're my company for the afternoon apparently, and the eye roll from the two Gryffindors didn't help the steam still seeping from my ears as I discreetly flipped them both off. The other 3 students looked just as lost as I did when Dumbledore followed me into the room, and I knew that no one was aware about why we were here. Dumbledore shut the door as I walked in to the room a little further and I stood in the center of the room with the other 3.

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