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"This is all you do all day?" I asked flatly as I sat on a dingy couch to the right of the large cabinet Draco was fiddling with. I pulled my feet up on to the material, wrapping my arms around my legs and placing my chin on my knees.

"Yep." He answered while his focus still didn't leave what he was doing in front of me. His hands stopped moving as he let out a long sigh.

He stood up slowly from his crouched position and rubbed his eyes with his balled up fists aggressively. He walked over to the couch where I sat just a few feet away and plopped himself down next to me.

"I need a break. It's been a long day." He mumbled sheepishly. He laid his head back on the couch and closed his eyes. I scooted over and curled up into his side to feel his touch. The gesture caused a small smile to pull at his lips even though he couldn't see me. "I should've just brought you here with me ages ago." He chuckled as he opened his eyes and glanced down at me.

He wrapped one of his arms around me, pulling me into him for a better side hug. I laid my head against his shoulder, closing my eyes slightly as well. I was so tired. I felt his lips start leaving gentle pecks on my hairline along my forehead.

We had been in the room of requirement since late this afternoon. My friends had all returned to the dorm room, giving me their attention and pity after Blaise explained everything that had happened just an hour or so before. They kept saying that they wished they were there to have stopped it.

I assured them that I was fine. There was nothing anyone could have done to prevent what had happened. Anthony and Pansy were both sick in the head and would've found another way to do something to me if their original plan didn't work out. Who's to say they wouldn't have done it another day that I was alone if today didn't go according to plan?

I wasn't 100% sure if I was really fine or not. Even after my shower and changing out of my clothes, I felt gross. I could still feel Anthony's disgusting hands on my body and feel everyone's eyes staring at me subconsciously. My stomach had flipped every time the memory crossed my mind, causing me to wince quietly and force my eyes shut tightly.

Draco hasn't let me out of his sight all night, worried that he'll miss something, or that I'll breakdown at any second. He thinks that I'm still in a state of shock and that I'm taking everything a little too well at the moment. He thinks the feelings will rush through all at once, and without him I won't be able to pick up the pieces. Honestly, once I had finally calmed down earlier, I didn't feel anything at all.

It's like my emotions were broken. Anything I should've been feeling was nonexistent. Maybe Draco was right and I was in shock. I felt so out of body about everything. Like I wasn't actually here anymore. My mind was far away from Hogwarts, trying it's hardest to heal itself. Everything was still happening around me, and I was just existing.

"Are you okay?" Draco whispered, rubbing my cheek softly with his thumb. I snapped back to reality at his question, turning my head in his direction.

I fluttered my eyes open and looked into his, knowing that he could read the deep pain and suffering in my own. I didn't say anything, nodding my head softly in response, despite how I knew I felt in my gut.

"No, you aren't." He sighed. "I know you too well. Don't even try to lie to me, love." He laid down on his back on the couch while he propped his head up on the arm of the chair. He pulled on me so that I was now laying on top of him, my head resting on his chest.

"Close your eyes." He whispered, rubbing the back of my hair slowly with his fingertips. I did as he said without any hesitation and took a deep breath.

The feeling of his hand massaging my head relieved a lot of the tension that I had been feeling. My body was surely dehydrated, but I didn't feel like making an attempt to eat or drink anything at the moment.

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