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"Juliet Grace, get over here now." Draco commanded, wanting me to follow his orders. I stood frozen and stared at him, feeling like I was petrified.

"What's wrong with the wand you have?" Harry asked to change the subject, seeing that Draco possessed a wand already, even without his own. As the two looked at each other, I bent back down and picked up both my wand and the diadem.

"Jules. Now." Draco told me harshly. His eyes were cold and his face was hard, but I was still frozen in place. Please don't hate me. "Now!" He demanded like he was my parent, making my heart skip a beat. "This wand is my mother's. It's powerful, but it's not the same." Draco spat at Potter. "Doesn't quite understand me. Know what I mean?" He continued. Goyle was antsy to attack as he stood at Draco's side, and Blaise just looked like a loyal friend. Having Draco's back because he needed the numbers.

"I'll make a trade. She gives me the diadem and I'll let you take her back to safety like she deserves." Harry told Draco. I rolled my eyes lightly despite Harry's good intentions. I'm not some fucking bargain deal that they could just make.

"I don't think so. Matter of fact, give me all 4 things that I want." Draco smirked, still holding his mother's wand firmly at Harry. "The wand, my girl, and the 2 Dark Lord possessions." Draco listed smugly.

"When did you plan on telling her?" Harry asked suddenly. My face turned to one of confusion as I turned my gaze to Harry. Draco furrowed his brows as well, not understanding.

"What in the bloody hell are you talking about?" Draco spat as he looked Harry up and down. The three boys inched towards Harry some more before they came to a stop.

"The earrings, Malfoy." Harry said calmly. My heart sunk to the bottom of my chest as the words left his mouth. "You know what I'm talking about." He mumbled. My red, teary, and scared puppy eyes left Harry as he spoke and looked towards Draco.

"What about them?" Draco asked. He glanced at me, and his eyes softened like they normal did. I think that he could see the fear and worry on my face, making his heart ache at the sight. He was a victim to me, never able to hold his badass composure for too long.

"You have sat here everyday, looked her dead in the eyes, withheld the truth from her, and just let your girlfriend carry around some of the most dangerous possessions in the world unknowingly. How do you not see the dangers in that?" Harry asked him. Draco's face stiffened some more, not knowing what to say as he'd been out in his place.

"What is he talking about?" Blaise whispered. I hadn't removed my eyes from Draco, waiting for him to speak up and tell me what was going on. I looked at him with slight betrayal, hating that he used one of his most common character traits on me. He wasn't truthful with me.

"Jules, come here, sweetheart," Draco said in a softer tone, nodded his head to the side for me to walk towards him. Just like a fly in a spider web, I was in a trap. I couldn't resist him, even without any love potions coursing through my system.

I placed the diadem down on the table and made my way over to Draco. I stared up into his intimidating eyes with my big and innocent ones, barely an inch from him.

"2 minutes, Potter. That's what you give me right now. Don't try anything stupid; you're the one that's outnumbered." Draco spat as his eyes left Harry to look into mine. I took a deep breath, wishing Draco could just hug me all night long and make my anxieties go away.

"You remember when I came home from some meetings one night before our Christmas trip and I was beyond furious." Draco whispered only to me as he lowered his wand and cupped the side of my neck in his free hand. I nodded softly, listening to him. "I was told some information that I didn't like. However, it was one of those situations where no matter how much I screamed and fought for you, they didn't care. I was just making matters worse with my temper." He huffed.

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