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Everyone avoided our path as Draco walked through the castle with me in his arms. No one knew where to go after what had just happened— or what to do. An eerie silence filled the air in the corridors because all of us knew that death was upon us.

My crying and weak sobs was one of the only sounds you could hear as you walked through the halls. Other students were mourning, too. I knew I didn't have the worst of it. Some people were starting to realize that their friend wasn't coming back to them tonight. He wouldn't come into the common room tomorrow. He wouldn't be around for them when they needed him again— ever. So many sad students dragging along like the other ghosts that filled the building. No magic buzzed in the air around us tonight.

Draco carried me all the way to the dungeons without a word about any of it. Aria, Blaise, Maggie, Dani, Crabbe, Goyle— they all followed behind us in a silent state of shock and grief. Some cried, too. Some couldn't believe what they had witnessed. I squeezed onto him tighter, wanting him to make all of this stop. Take the pain away. Do something for me for once.

Draco pulled his wand out of his pocket and muttered the password to the common room. The bricks began to shift out of the way as we all made our way through. Our friends gathered on the couch in the common room to wrap their brains around the evening. They didn't say much, but I could tell they just wanted to with each other in a moment like this. All I wanted was the complete opposite.

Draco had said something to Blaise, but I couldn't make out the words as my dry sobs still landed against his neck. I felt someone rub my hair softly in a soothing way, but with both of Draco's hands on my side, I wasn't sure who it would've been.

"I'm really sorry about Cedric, Juliet. I can only imagine how it feels... to lose someone you were close to like that..." I heard Blaise's voice talking to me quietly. I knew it was him touching me once I heard his attempts at sympathy. "I hope you feel better. Let me know if you need anything." He continued rubbing the backside of my head while my face was tucked away. "I'm really sorry." He told me again in a sympathetic voice. I nodded my head softly, letting him know I heard the words.

Draco started carrying me somewhere else. No one followed after us to just let us be. Thankfully. I could tell that we were heading towards the dormitories when he walked up the stairs out of the common room. 

Draco started fiddling with a doorknob in front of him before entering a room. I still had my face hidden in his neck, not looking up once since he told me not to look at Cedric's body laying on the ground outside. The image couldn't leave my mind no matter how hard I tried to force it out. Harry's screaming and the look on Cedric's face were all I could see in my head.

I feel so fucking ill.

The room smelled familiar— warm and homelike. It was like Draco, almost. I looked up to see where we were, even though I had an idea. It resembled my dorm, but was definitely more masculine. The bedding didn't look nearly as dainty, and the furniture was slightly different.

Draco sat me on a bed that I assumed was his, and started pulling stuff out of the drawers of the dresser beside us. He handed me a pair of black sweatpants and a large slytherin t-shirt. He nodded his head towards the bathroom, indicating for me to go and change out of my uncomfortable clothes. I couldn't move no matter how much I wanted to. I just stayed on the bed, still crying softly to myself.

Draco didn't pry anymore and slowly scooped me back up to carry me to the small bathroom. He gently sat me on the countertop and put the clothes in a pile next to me. I knew I was being ridiculous, and I really did want to stop. I tried muffling the sobs from escaping my lips, but it was no use. I just couldn't pull myself together.

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