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We were all gathered in the great hall for our first meal of the year. I sat in between Dani and Maggie, trying my best to forget about what had just happened at the train station. My mood was killed, that was for sure.

Blaise and Aria sat across from us, trying their best to cheer me up. It wasn't working. I wasn't even upset anymore, just annoyed. I felt like I could throw a bitch fit at any second.

Draco sat at the opposite end of the table with his friends. I couldn't be more thankful for that. I seriously could murder him right now and feel no remorse.

Dumbledore started his yearly introduction speech. I rolled my eyes and turned my attention towards the front of the room where he stood. There were a few new faces at the grand table where the professors sat.

"We have two changes in staffing this year," he started, "we're pleased to welcome back professor Grubbly-Plank, who will be taking care of Magical Creatures while professor Hagrid is on temporary leave."

Snape was the only one to clap shortly, causing me to hold in a chuckle at his awkwardness.

"We also welcome in a new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, professor Delores Umbridge."

My nose crinkled at the sight of her. I loved pink, but not that much. It was the only color she had on.

"And I'm sure you'll all join me in wishing the professor good luck," Dumbledore added. "As usual our care taker Mr. Filch has asked me to remind..."

Dumbledore was cut off by Pinky Dinky Doo clearing her throat. He turned around to see what she had needed. She slowly stood up from her seat and made her way to the front.

She has the creepiest smile as she started speaking almost immediately.

"Thank you, headmaster, for those kind words of welcome." She stood in front of Dumbledore so all attention was on her. "And how lovely to see your bright happy faces smiling up at me."

I looked around the room. Bitch, not one of us is smiling right now. She's gotta be crazy. I have a bad feeling about this.

"I'm sure we're all going to be very good friends." She smiled at all of us.

"That's likely." The Weasley twins had said at the same time, breaking the silence in the room. A small smile started to appear on my face. I was glad to see everyone had the same thoughts running through their heads. One of few times the houses would probably agree with each other.

"The Ministry of Magic has always considered the education of young Witches and Wizards to be of vital importance." She continued.

"Although each headmaster has brought something new to this historic school, progress for the sake of progress must be discouraged. Let us preserve what must be preserved. Perfect what can be perfected. And prune practices that ought to be... prohibited." She whispered the last word. What a weirdo. She chuckled to herself and walked back to her seat.

Dumbledore started clapping, causing others to follow his lead. I wasn't clapping for her. She got on my nerves. Possibly because Draco already had me pissed off, but something just seemed off.

Dumbledore thanked her for her short speech, and continued on with his own. Why on earth would the Ministry feel the need to interfere with our school? Certainly, it's because of that git Potter.

As Dumbledore finished, we all dismissed from the great hall, making our way to our respected common rooms. My friends and I headed straight to our dorm to quickly unpack our things.

"So," I started as I put my clothes into the dresser, "what would you guys like to do?" I asked, a smile forming on my face.

"I say we tidy up our room, and then we can go sit in the common room and make fun of the first years all night!" Maggie exclaimed, clasping her hands together in front of her chest.

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