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"I've missed you so much," I told Draco softly as I had my legs draped across his lap. My arms were linked around his neck, loosely hugging him as I looked at his face in front of me. "It's not fair. Going from living like an old married couple every day to being separated like children again." I said as I crinkled up my nose in disgust. Draco chuckled at me as he watched my lips move.

Things around here were definitely more relaxed for the both of us. We hardly had any rules to follow. Our title of prefects might have come into play greatly on that one. Snape knew we had enough regulations in our daily lives and didn't want to tack more stress onto it if he didn't have to.

"Technically we are still children." He laughed, waiting for me to give some sort of smartass response. I opened my mouth to speak, but closed it when I couldn't come up with anything. "I missed you, too, my love." He chuckled, placing a soft kiss on my lips. His strong hands were wrapped around my waist to hold me closer to him.

"You also realize it's only been," he glanced at the clock of the common room, "maybe 7 hours since I saw you last. And you slept through majority of it." He laughed at me like I was an idiot. We had spent time together in the common room the night before, but we decided it would be best to sleep in our own dorms on the first night.

The common room was chilly as we were the only two who sat in here. Everyone else had run off to breakfast in the great hall, but with the way I jumped on Draco this morning when he had come out of the male dorms, he agreed that we could just wait an hour or two and sneak out to catch some lunch together.

"But I love you so much and would spend every second with you if I could." I giggled as I looked at him. He rolled his eyes jokingly as he rolled his head in the opposite direction of mine.

"Do you have everything you need for class? We'll have to get going soon." He asked me with more seriousness in his voice. I nodded my head to let him know that I was ready.

"Did you hear who took the Dark Arts position with Snape being promoted?" I asked him with a chuckle. I was not looking forward it at all, and I wanted to know what his thoughts were.

"Fucking Carrow." Draco laughed out of amusement. "That man can't fucking teach to save his life. I'm not even sure he's literate." He continued to poke fun at him. I stood myself up off of the couch and grabbed Draco's hand to help him up as well.

"I don't like having any of the death eaters on the staff." I told him honestly as I used all of my strength to pull on his body weight. Draco stood up straight and readjusted his robes. 

"It'll be fine, love. It's probably in more of our favor." He chuckled once. He grabbed one of his books off of the coffee table before I did the same thing. "Let's go. I don't want to be late." He instructed me.

I walked side by side with Draco out of the common room and through the corridors. I could have laughed at how anxious this year had made me all summer versus how it was already going.

No one even batted an eye in our direction. No one suspected anything. And here was the best part:

There was no Potter.

He wasn't here to tell everyone in the castle all of my secrets. Even ones that would hurt Draco if he knew them. That I had been the one to kill our headmaster at the end of last year. That I let Harry go at the Weasley wedding in the burrow and allowed him to continue finding horcruxes that would take down the Dark Lord.

That's the one that'll really have me in deep shit.

Draco and I walked into the D.A.D.A classroom, and were surprisingly some of the last students to enter the room. The two of us took a seat at a table in the center of the last row. Crabbe and Goyle as well as Aria and Blaise sat at the tables beside us. Maggie and Dani had themselves seated in front of us.

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