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*Mature Content Warning*

"Here, this one is from me." My mother told me as she placed another large box in front of me.

This had been going on for what felt like hours. Everyone so excited to be gathered in the giant living room, watching as Draco and I opened our millions of gifts. The price of both of us coming from families made of money. The only two who weren't in nearly as good of a mood were Draco and I.

We had hardly spoken this morning, neither of us sure what to say. He left my room early enough that no one would have known he stayed with me through the night. We avoided eye contact today, feeling awkward about the situation as a whole.

"Here, Draco. Juliet picked this one out." My mother gave him a small box. She had a huge grin on her face, excited to give him the gift from me.

I already knew what was inside. My stomach started hurting at the thought of him opening it. I had picked it out a few days before in Diagon Alley when my mother wasn't sure which one he'd like.

He took the lid off, a smile breaking out across his face for one of the first times all day. He took the ring out of the box to examine it. It was almost identical to the one hanging around my neck, but larger for his fingers now and in much better condition.

The detailing on this one was much greater, the diamonds slightly larger as well. On the inside I had them put the usual engraving that he liked. 'D.M.' It was expensive, but the only gift I had been involved in getting him. Plus, price was never an issue with either of our families.

Draco looked at me quickly before turning his gaze to my mother.

"Thank you. I love it. I'll have to put it with my others." He smiled warmly as he looked back down at the ring. He slid it onto his finger, and continued examining it.

I held the same blank expression on my face that I had since last night. I felt hollow. All I could think about was Pansy and what she would do. No one questioned my behavior. They all knew I could be strange at times anymore, so they just let me be.

When we had finished, I slowly stood up from the floor and exited the room, not saying much to anyone. I walked up the stairs and headed for my room to lock myself away. No one had followed me to pry on what was wrong, they just left me alone.

I laid on the bed and let myself fall back asleep for a few hours. I didn't rejoin everyone downstairs until it was dinner time. I sat beside my mother and across from Draco when it was time for us to eat. I stared at my plate the entire time, avoiding all conversations.

I stood up from my seat and walked out when I was finished eating, ignoring all of them talking behind me as I walked out. I heard Draco telling them something, but I wasn't sure what. Maybe he was making excuses for my behavior. I hoped he was.

I just wanted to be left alone. I didn't want to speak. Socialize. Any of it. I locked myself in my room, wanting to hide away in here forever.

The rest of the days all flowed like that. I hid in my room and joined everyone for meals. I talked to my mother and Narcissa sparsely, making them believe I was okay. I didn't talk to Draco at all.

He had tried coming to my room numerous times through put the days and nights, but I kept the door locked and wouldn't allow him to enter. I didn't know what to say to him. I felt so much guilt in my stomach at all times, and I just wanted it to pass. I had so much anxiety about our return to school. I knew that's when things would truly go down hill.

I was zipping up my simple black dress for the Malfoy's New Year's party, looking in the mirror at my appearance. Although my hair and makeup was done more than usual, I looked tired. Worn out. Still pretty, but not like my usual self.

Restricted | Draco MalfoyOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora