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Draco continued his pacing around as I laid on his bed motionless. I could see his shadow in the orange light from the fireplace that was casted across the dark room.

My tears and cries had stopped a while ago as I had nothing else left to give. I wasn't sure how much time had passed. I stared across his room helplessly, not feeling anything at the moment.

"I'm so pissed at you, you have no fucking idea." Draco seethed, finally breaking the silence that had been lingering in the room for too long. "I have never felt anything like this. Ever. I am so... fucking angry." He clenched his fists up as he looked at me, trying his best to contain himself.

"Well, it was bound to happen eventually," I said softly in a hallow voice. I wasn't even sure I had meant to say the statement out loud. I had only added fuel to his fire now.

"NO IT WASN'T!" He screamed at the top of his lungs, causing my ears to ring slightly from the headache I already had. I closed my eyes tightly as he continued. "You're a fucking imbecile! I was protecting you, Juliet! I never wanted this for you! I was going to keep you out of this forever if I could! I've said that since day one!" He shouted at me. "AND THESE FUCKING YEARS WORTH OF TORMENT TO DO EVERYTHING FOR YOU WAS ALL FOR FUCKING NOTHING! DON'T YOU GET THAT?!" He screamed at me. The veins in his forehead and neck stuck out as all the blood rushed to his face.

"I NEVER ASKED YOU TO!" I yelled back, sitting up off of the bed to finally look at him. "I never asked for anything from you! You chose to protect me! To love me! To be with me! YOU COULDN'T HAVE POSSIBLY PREVENTED THIS! QUIT LYING TO YOURSELF!" My voice cracked slightly from how dry and itchy my throat was by now.

"I could and I was going to!" He stopped his pacing to look at me. He took a deep breath before his tone lowered. "How long have you had it?" He asked, walking towards me now. I didn't answer, making us sit in silence for a few seconds.

"How long have you had the bloody mark, Juliet?! Answer me! How long have you been lying to my face?" He shouted in disgust, grabbing my jaw in his hand roughly and forcing me to look him in his eyes.

Draco's eyes were cold as he looked at me, no love in sight. His hair was messily hanging over his forehead and his jaw was clenched up in disgust as he looked me up and down. His chest was moving at a rapid pace, unable to control itself.

"You've been lying to me, too." I spat back at him, not letting him put all this blame on me. "Don't be such a bloody prick. You never told me what the rest of your task, and I already knew what it was!" I shouted once more. He didn't say anything as he inched his face closer to mine.

"How fucking long," he whispered and put his face right in front of mine as he ignored my statement, squeezing my cheeks harder, "have you had the fucking mark on your arm?" I wasn't even an inch from him now, smelling his sweet cologne as he held my face.

"Months. Since I came home for a visit." I told him honestly as my words were muffled from his grasp, my voice barely above a whisper. He scoffed at my response, throwing me back against the bed forcefully.

"You've been lying to me for months?!" He shouted as disbelief lined his face. "What?! Did you think I just wouldn't find out?! What about when we had business meetings with him and you just happened to be sitting next to me at the bloody fucking table?!" He screamed at me some more. "You're a fucking moron." He said under his breath, but I could still hear it.

"Draco, I did it for you! You of all people KNOW what that feels like!" I started crying now as I sat up again to look at him, frustration taking over as I just wanted him to stop being mad at me. This was extremely hypocritical. "I just wanted to keep you safe." I sobbed.

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