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"I'll go first," Dani said. "Aria?" She asked turning towards her. "Truth or dare?"

"Mmmm, dare." Aria chuckled.

"I dare you to take three shots." She laughed, knowing Aria was trying not to drink too much.

Aria rolled her eyes as she did what Dani had asked of her. Blaise clapped his hands in excitement before giving her a big kiss.

"My turn." Aria said. "Jules?" She asked. I barely recognized my name coming out of her mouth.

I slowly opened my eyes, trying my best to look around the room for her. My eyes finally found her and tried to focus in. Everyone started laughing at my actions.

"Truth or dare?" She giggled.

"Dare." I mumbled quietly. My head falling back against Anthony again. He grabbed my head with one of his hands and helped me hold it up.

"I dare you.... To kiss Goyle." She laughed. I couldn't even make out the words she was saying.

"Jules." Anthony shook me so I'd open my eyes. I turned and looked at him. "You have to kiss him." He laughed, urging me to get up.

I slowly stood up from where I was sitting, barely able to hold myself steady. I took two lousy steps forward before I looked around the circle.

I found Goyle sitting next to Draco on the opposite side. He was only 5 feet away. I can get there.

I took another step forward and face planted flat on the floor.

"Juliet!" Maggie yelled, rushing to my side. She quickly placed her hands over my face like she was holding me together.

I couldn't feel any pain, surely it wasn't that bad. I couldn't open my eyes. They were glued shut on their own, my face laying flat on the floor.

"Juliet, can you hear me?" I heard Goyle say. I rolled over onto my back and fluttered my eyes open. I saw him sitting next to my head. So, I almost made it to the destination. "Bloody hell, she looks awful." He panicked.

I started giggling at myself as everyone rushed around me, my eyes falling closed again. I reached my hand up for his head. I grabbed a hold of the back of it with my lips puckered and tried pulling it towards me to get the kiss over with, but it felt like it was impossible.

"Goyle, don't do it!" I heard Draco snap. I opened my eyes to see Draco holding Goyle back from leaning towards me. Pansy was still on his lap causing me to scoff.

Everyone looked at me in worry like something was wrong with me. Is something wrong? Did I do something? Draco moved Pansy and stood up from the circle.

"I'm taking her back to her room. You all can stay here. I think her father is already going to kill me that I just let her bust her face off of the floor." Draco huffed. Everyone knew that our parents did business together often and were close, so no one was surprised by his claim.

"Drakey, let Anthony do it. Stay with me." Pansy tried pleading. I couldn't see her with my eyes shut, but the noise made me want to throw up more than the liquor did.

"Ughhhh," I gagged. "You are so fucking nasty." I slurred, a disgusted look on my face.

"Who?" Pansy tried asking. I could tell she was way more sober than I was.

"You." I slurred, my eyes still closed.

"You are so fucking ugly." I started giggling. "I just want you to know, Malfoy is never going to like you the way you want him to. You're not good enough for his taste." I slurred while laughing, the words probably didn't even sound the same when they left my mouth as I heard them in my head.

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