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Dumbledore falling to his death was all I could see in slow motion. Just as the image would stop playing, another one would appear in its place. A young Harry Potter slaying the basilisk before taking it's fang and stabbing it through a journal played next.

The another image. Harry Potter lying helplessly on the stone floor of the ministry. Voldemort looking down on him as he drove him in and out of insanity.

Another image. Dumbledore destroying a ring. Each time I watched these pictures play I couldn't help but feel like a part of me was struggling between victory and defeat.

Another one. An elf carrying a black box through the halls of Malfoy Manor. They stopped their strides in front of my bedroom door before I opened up and accepted the gift. The snake earrings that still hung on my earlobes to this day were displayed inside when I opened the lid.

And another. Draco sitting on the sidelines with fear in his eyes while I laid on the dining room floor under the cruciatus curse.

They continued playing over and over like a movie. Some flashing by quickly. Some playing at a much slower rate than others.

I was upside down now, I could tell I was back in the dining room as all of the death eaters sat at the long table. I looked around at all of their faces, however I recognized myself among the group. My small body was seated next to Draco in the dark and quiet meeting.

I continued floating forward as I looked around in confusion. Snape was staring at me with pity, the only one who seemed slightly bothered by the events happening around him.

"What's going on?" I asked all of the death eaters in the room. "What's happening to me?" I turned and asked Draco. He stared up at me blankly, not showing any type of concern.

"Severus please." I could hear, but no one's lips were moving. "We're friends." Am I Professor Burbage? Is that what's happening right now?

I looked forward at the Dark Lord who already pulled his wand out. He pointed at me and shouted the killing curse loudly, causing a stream of green light to fly and hit me. I felt my body fall with a thud on to the dining room table. I groaned slightly from the impact.

It didn't kill me.

I tilted my head to the side to see my parents who held blank expressions. I looked to the other side and saw a sick Draco and Juliet.

What is happening to me?

I had so many questions of confusion that weren't being answered.

Things are coming. You must be prepared.

The Dark Lord's voice whispered through my head. All of the images flashed through my head quickly like a book going through the pages. The speed of the slideshow picked up quickly, showing everything in a flash.

"Nagini," the Dark Lord said, "dinner." He finished. I laid on my back and watched as Nagini slivered up on the table and made her way towards me.

I couldn't move even if I wanted to. I was paralyzed. Nagini struck towards me with a wide mouth before everything turned black.

I jolted up with a loud gasp and looked around frantically. I could hardly control my heart rate as I felt it pounding in my chest. My sudden movement out of his arms caused Draco to wake up as well.

A dream. It was all a dream.

"What's wrong?" His tired voice asked as he leaned up off of the leather couch as well. We were the only two left in the common room as we must have fallen asleep hours ago.

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