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I sat beside Draco's bed in the hospital wing as he slept. I continued to run my fingers through his hair in an attempt to soothe him. He still laid in his dress clothes after I refused to let Madame Pomfrey take his dress shirt off, worried his dark mark would be exposed for someone to see.

Madame Pomfrey had given him some sort of concoction that knocked him out as soon as it hit his tongue. He was restless as he slept though, making me wonder if he was truly in a deep sleep or not. I had hoped that he wasn't having nightmares again. Especially since he had told me his occlumency skills against the Dark Lord weren't always full proof.

"Is he okay?" I heard a voice ask behind me, causing me to turn my head around. Blaise stood a few feet in front of the group of friends that was quietly making their way towards us. He had a look of worry on his face, not sure what condition Draco was in.

"He's okay." I whispered, turning back to look at Draco again. I moved my hand down to his cheek for a moment, stroking it gently. He nuzzled his face into my hand, pulling a weak smile on my lips. I knew he enjoyed the touch, even without consciousness.

"Are you okay?" Aria asked, worry in her small voice. "We heard you were in there with them... did you get hurt?" She asked me quietly. I shook my head 'no,' letting her know that I wasn't injured.

"Besides being traumatized and thinking that I had witnessed a murder, I'm fine." I chuckled once, trying to make light of the situation.

Blaise pulled a chair up on the opposite side of the bed, putting both of his elbows on to it and laying his head in his hands. The others all gathered around the end of the bed awkwardly, not sure what to do.

"I'm gonna kill him." Blaise huffed as he sat up straight in his chair. I could see the anger in his eyes, knowing he wanted to harm Potter to get back at him. I let out a small chuckle as I continued to rub Draco's face softly.

"I already tried to." I admitted. "Snape stopped me before I had the chance." I told him, my eyes still focused on Draco. No one said anything after that, just looked at him as he laid flat on the bed.

"So, I take it you two finally made up?" Maggie laughed, trying to keep the conversation rolling. I let out another chuckle.

"What makes you say that?" I laughed, never taking my eyes off of him as I talked to her. It was like I was afraid something would happen to him if I looked away.

"You owe me 2 galleon." Goyle whispered to Crabbe causing everyone to turn their heads slowly to look at him. His eyes widened as he realized he had said it much louder than he intended to.

"Um. You see." He stuttered, trying to explain himself. "I knew that Draco would want her attention again eventually and give in. And Crabbe said they probably wouldn't make up for the rest of their lives because they're both so stubborn. So we bet on it." He scratched the back of his neck awkwardly.

I shook my head in disbelief as I looked back at Draco's face. He turned his head slightly as he groaned in pain, causing me to move my fingers back up to his hair. He shifted slightly under the covers of his bed, trying to make himself more comfortable.

"That's feels so good." He mumbled, referring to the massage he was getting on the top of his head. He fluttered his eyes open to look at me, a smile appearing on his lips when his eyes had finally met mine in front of him.

"Jules." He whispered, his eyes slowly opening and shutting. "Hi." He breathed out, his smile still lingering. I returned the smile, happy that he was finally awake. I could tell he groggy from the potion, and was still slightly unaware. He slowly looked around at the crowd that was surrounding him.

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