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"Are you sure you don't mind us leaving you here alone all the time?" My mother asked me, worry in her eyes. "I can stay back with you if you'd like." I looked at her through the mirror as she zipped my tight black dress. It was probably a little too revealing, but I liked how it looked on my body.

"I already told you, I'm going to Diagon Alley with Aria and Blaise today. We're school shopping." I told her with a flat voice. She and my father were supposed to be leaving for the Malfoy's manor again at any minute.

They had been staying there every week. Sometimes for multiple days at a time. It was rarer for me to see them than to not. It was work for the Dark Lord I supposed. Something they had little choice in anymore.

"Be careful. You know what was done to Olivander's. Don't do anything stupid." My mother warned me as she bushed her fingers through the loose curls she placed in my hair.

My hair had grown back it's length by now. It was bright platinum blonde from the color job my mother had done on it last week. It was close to the Malfoy's color, but definitely not as bright.

"I'll stay out of trouble. I know my boundaries. I don't plan on pushing them them." I told her honestly. "I won't act how I did last year. I learned my lessons. I know I have too much riding on me now." I turned towards her. It was true. The Dark Lord scared me. I would do anything to avoid him now that he was lurking his way through my life, trying to lay his claws into my back and drag me into something I didn't want involved in any time soon.

"You've matured so much the past 2 months." She weakly smiled, rubbing my cheek. I kept the same straight expression on my face.

When Draco had broken things off with me for the millionth time, I wallowed in my own pity for a couple of days. Heartbroken and wanted to be left alone. I'm sure my parents just thought it was a reaction to meeting with the Dark Lord. They had no idea what had been going on between Draco and I the past few months.

Then, after I had cried myself out and felt like the most miserable person on the planet, I realized that I had a new life to live. I needed to take care of myself and quit the pity partying. My family's and my own safety were more important to me than longing after Draco if he didn't like me anymore. He would be fine on his own if that's what he wanted.

I had to grow up quickly. My priorities in life had shifted greatly. I didn't care about stupid teenage drama anymore. I cared about the future and what the Dark Lord wanted with me.

"Are you excited for school this year?" My mother asked me, trying to lighten the mood. I still couldn't radiate the fake smile that was coming from her. No need to pretend everything is fine.

"No." I told her honestly. "I feel like I know so much by now. It's a waste of my time. There are better things I should be doing anymore." I said to her as I walked out of my room and towards the steps.

I didn't want to go to school. I didn't want to be reminded of all the fun and happiness that the other children my age get to experience. I didn't want to see Draco and be reminded of the heart break all over again.

"What else would you rather be doing?" She asked me in confusion, trying to catch up with me as she followed me.

"Nothing I'd rather be doing, but I know it's coming eventually anyway. I have a feeling school won't end up being the most important thing in my life within in the next year." My voice slowly started to turn to a mumble by the end of the sentence.

My mother didn't answer me. She knew that there was a part of me that was correct. However, she knew how important finishing school was, and she planned on pushing me through it as long as she can. She didn't want to think of the other possibilities. She wanted me to believe in the same morals as her and my father without putting my own life at risk. But she knew that idea was too good to be true.

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