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I sat in the library by myself as I read a book that Slughorn had given to me. He and Potter must have had a bit of an argument, considering he no longer gave Harry the light of day despite his good grade in the class. Fortunately for me, I was the new favorite and he was giving me all of his attention now.

He marveled over my work and potion skills recently. And I couldn't lie, they had been improving tremendously with the conversations and lessons Slughorn had taught me after class when I'd ask questions.

I had a lot more free time on my hands now that I spent all of my time thinking about Draco and not wanting to spend it with anyone else. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the company of my friends, but it did remind me more that he wasn't around to give me the attention I longed for.

I hadn't seen him in what felt like too long. It was starting to grow unbearable, the distance that felt like miles between us. I thought for sure he'd have come visit me by now, but he hadn't to my surprise. It's been almost a week since I stormed out of the tower after his sudden outburst. My feelings were really starting to get hurt now, wishing he'd just pop up and spend some time with me.

I heard a seat scoot out from the table as someone sat down in front of me. Although it grabbed my attention, I didn't look up from the book to see who it was. I could've cared less, it wasn't like I owned the table or anything.

"How's Drakey?" I heard the most annoying voice I'd ever come to know ask. Suddenly, I do care who sits with me. I felt an angry look grow on my face as I looked at them through my eyelashes. Don't cause a scene. Don't get in a fight.

"Get the fuck away from me, Pansy." I said in the calmest voice that I could muster. I didn't want to cause any trouble, and I knew that arguing with her had always managed to do just that. I looked back down at my book and continued flipping through the pages.

"I can't believe you can just sit here and read a bloody book at a time like this," she said in a disappointed voice. "If I were the one still with him, I'd be taking care of him right now. It's so obvious that he needs it." She sighed, shaming me for how I took care of my boyfriend.

I couldn't let her get a rise out of me. I knew that was exactly what she had wanted. To upset me and cause a scene to make me look like the bad guy. I ignored her words as I continued reading.

"I don't know why he ever wanted you over me." She sighed, I let out a soft chuckle, finding amusement in the bold statement. "So, you are listening to me. You're just being rude and ignoring me." She confronted me in an annoyed tone.

"I'm sorry, Pansy." I laughed harder as I finally closed my book and looked up at her. "Have you seen the difference between the two of us?" I asked her innocently, pointing my finger back and forth between us. She looked at me in confusion before I spoke again. "You'd seriously have to be completely blind and deaf to ever pick you as the first option if given the choice." I laughed, standing up from my chair and taking my book with me.

"There's a prime example. I'm worried about Draco and his health, and all you're worried about is me." She sighed, shaking her head as she followed me out of the library. I chuckled once as I continued walking through the hall.

"Pansy, you need to leave me alone. You're stalking me again." I gave her a disgusted look over my shoulder while I tried getting her to leave me alone. She continued to walk behind me with a sly smile on her lips, waiting on me to snap.

I turned back around and ignored her once more. I was so relieved when I saw Blaise walking towards me in one of the long hallways. I finally had an out to get away from her.

"B, thank Merlin." I sighed in relief as I approached him. "Get her away from me. Please." I told him strictly, my eyes wide in annoyance. He wasn't sure who I was referring to until he looked around me and saw Pansy hot on my heels.

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