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"What do you want to do for Christmas?" Draco asked randomly as we ate our breakfast in the great hall. Aria sat on my right as he sat to my left. Maggie and Dani sat across from me, but they weren't paying any attention to us.

I stopped my chewing as I thought for a moment. I turned towards him and shook my head for a moment as I made a thinking face.

"I don't know." I finally laughed once as I thought more about an answer. "Why? Do you have something in mind?" I asked him as I cut into my meal. I took another piece of toast from the trays that sat in front of us before I started picking it a part.

A small smile crossed his lips as he nodded his head enthusiastically. He looked like such a child, a look that only I ever got to see him from him. I giggled lightly as I kicked one of my legs over the bench so that I could fully face him as I straddled it.

"Tell me then. What do you want to do for our holiday?" I asked him with a warm smile on my lips. He made it so easy to forget the rest of the world. When our fighting and bickering came to a stop, it was always like I was the sun and he only revolved around me.

"I was thinking about going away," he told me casually as he looked down at my hands. He grabbed one of them into his and interlocked our fingers. "What do you think?" He asked me sweetly. I felt my smile grow wider as I nodded my head.

"Where?" I giggled. He didn't have to ask me twice. A trip with Draco away from everyone and everything else was all I could ever hope for. He chuckled lightly at my excitement as his smile grew wider, too.

"Get a room!" Maggie mocked us as she threw a muffin at my head. I gasped lightly from the impact before I turned to look at her in surprise. Dani covered her mouth in an attempt to hide her giggling from me. "You two and your PDA. You know, there are single people present who don't get to experience such joys. Have some common courtesy." She joked in an offended manner. Draco rolled his eyes, always tired of her teasing and snarky remarks that involved him.

"This is a perfect example of why no boy has the patience to put up with you." He told her flatly. "You're rude and annoying as hell." He said as his brows furrowed together and his attitude took over.

Merlin, he's attractive.

"Worked out perfectly fine for you, didn't it, ya git?" She laughed at him as Dani chuckled beside her. Draco picked up a muffin and tossed it at her harshly, hitting her in the center of her forehead. Aria and Blaise turned their attention towards the four of us now, laughing in the process as they watched the two quarrel with one another.

"Draco!" She squealed as the chocolate chips smudged across her face. He smirked at her, enjoying the upset look on her face before he stood from the bench and rushed out of the room. "It's not funny!" She scolded all of us as our laughter didn't die down.

"You did it to me first!" I confronted her as I wiped the tears of laughter from my eyes. "What? Did you think he wasn't going to reprimand you for it? He tried to catch our Professor on fire because of me for crying out loud." I laughed. Many students started standing from the tables, indicating that it was time for us to leave.

My friends and I all threw our trash away while we talked about a number of things. We followed the large crowd out of the great hall and walked through the hallways. A paper bird had the attention of many as it flew through the air of the hallways, creating a series of patterns in the sky.

The confusion on my face was obvious for everyone as the paper bird stopped flapping it's wings in front of me. I grabbed it from the air and opened it up to read it.

The old bathroom. Meet me there.

-D.M. <3

I laughed lightly before the paper set itself a flame and disappeared from my grasp. My friends stared at me, waiting for me to tell them what it was.

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