96|The Pizzaman

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We recruited Cass to help us track down Crowley, but he was unable to locate him with a tracking spell, so we had to resort to doing things the hard way. While we were all searching for clues in Samuel's study, the man himself came in with Stephan.

"Can we help you? What do you want?" Samuel asked us.

"We wanna know where Crowley is," I replied.

"If we even knew, why would we tell you?" Stephan asked.

"Cause you're our grandfathers," Dean said.

"Samuel, Stephan, I'm gonna get my soul back," Sam added.

"Who says you can get it back?" Samuel demanded.


"Look, we'd like to help, but we're sorry."

"It's your grandson's soul," Dean growled at Samuel.

"We can't."

"What is wrong with you?" I glared at Samuel, then my own grandfather. "Do you wanna work for Crowley?"

They didn't respond.

"Cass, can you give us a minute?" I asked the angel.

He disappeared in a flutter of wings.

"We're your blood," I continued. "But if you don't want to help us, I can't make you. But I just gotta know why. What is Crowley holding over you? You owe us that."

After a moment, Stephan pulled out a picture and handed it to me. Samuel held a similar one out to Dean. The one I held was a young woman with red hair and hazel eyes. The one Dean took was a different young woman with wavy blonde hair and blue eyes. Mary and Emilie- our mothers.

"Mom?" Dean looked up at Samuel.

"He's gonna give them back to us," Samuel said.

"Crowley's gonna bring Mom back from the dead?" I whispered.

"You tell me you don't want her back," Stephan addressed me.

Dean and I didn't respond, looking back at the pictures in our hands.

"You know, the one difference between us: you know how to live without them," Samuel continued.

"Look, we know how you feel," Dean said.

"No, you don't," Stephan shook his head. "They're our daughters, and they're dead, and we can do something about it."

"Do you really think Crowley is going to make good here?" I asked.

"He brought Sam back! And us!" Stephen pointed out.

"Trust me, don't go down that road," Dean pleaded.

"What are you saying?" Samuel demanded. 

"I'm saying, stop trying. It's gonna go nowhere good. Samuel, I know we've had our differences, but I'm your grandson and I'm telling you that this is wrong for so many reasons."

"You hypocrite!"

"I'm asking you to learn from our mistakes! Doing this, this is how the bad guys get us every time! It's our Achilles' heel. Apparently it runs in both our families. We will figure something else out. Okay?"

"I'm sorry, Dean, but I-"

"Fine," I snapped, cutting Samuel off. "Bring them back. But what are you gonna tell them? You gonna tell them you made a deal with a demon? That you wouldn't help their kids?"

"That's enough!" Stephan shouted. "Just get out."

"It's very complex."

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