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Louis TomlinsonHarry's father told me that I had to get a girl because it had been a week since my last girl tried to escape and she got herself killed

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Louis Tomlinson
Harry's father told me that I had to get a girl because it had been a week since my last girl tried to escape and she got herself killed. I hate how I live, and I hate this so much but I have to do it, for my sister so she's not alone in this word.

"I have eyes on one," I hear Liam through the ear piece. "Straight ahead, three o'clock of you guys," he said and I look straight ahead.

Harry took his jacket off and jumped over the counter as a boy walks over to me, and the girl Liam was point out sat on the bar stool. She had brown hair just past her shoulders, a black dress with an open back.

Oh fuck.

"What's your name?" Harry asks through the ear piece.

"London, you?"

"Harry," he replies and I see her smile.

The boy sits next to me on the bar stool next to me, breathing out and crossing his arms. I just realised I needed to distract him from looking at London. "Hey," I introduce, hearing Niall as well as Harry.

He swallows his drink and smiles with his stupidly bright smile. "Hi," he holds his hand out which makes me cringe on the inside. I smiley fakely and shake it. "I'm Will,"

"Louis," I pull my hand away.

"Who you here with?"

"No one get, hoping to find someone," I lean back in the bar and look at the girls with guys. "You here to hook up too?"

He laughs. "No. I have a girlfriend,"

Awesome. The girl Harrys drugging is clearly his girlfriend. Fuck, oh well.

"Mm," I nod. This guys isn't the best looking guy I've seen, I've seen better but I've seen much worse. He's definitely not hot enough for her though. "Sucks to be you," I shrug.

"You don't date?"

"Pfft, no way,"

"Sometimes I wish I was single," he murmurs and I look at him.


"My girlfriend, London—" he sighs. "She's the best and every been dating for almost two and a half years, and everything's perfect but my god can she get under my skin," he shakes his head like I fucking care. When she's mine I'll fucking show her.

"Over her?"

He shakes his head. "I wouldn't change her for the world, I love her so much—"

I flick my eyes over to Harry and he was watching her drink. We meet eyes. "We got her," he mouths and winks. I wink quickly and pay attention to Will.

"You know?"

"Oh yeah," I nod, I have no fucking idea what he said but I'm just gonna go with it,"

"I'm hooking up," I hear Niall. "With London's best friend apparently, I'll get some answers before I fuck her,"

"Great idea, get as much information as she's willing to give," I hear Liam. "God, of course Zayn has to be in love,"

"Louis?" Will says.

"Huh? What?"

"I asked if you were okay,"

"I'm fine," I shrug. "It seems like you and your girlfriend have a lot to catch up on them, right?"

"Yeah," he shrugs. "I dunno, talking to her is hard sometimes because she just complains a lot,"

"Really?" I gape. "You don't say," I shake my head. I see Harry pick her up and I know it's my cue. "Do you play a sport?"


I widen my eyes. "Sorry,"

"Oh, I just said I play tennis,"

"I know..I'm just sorry," I pat his arm and he furrows his brows.


I finish my drink. "Gay people play tennis,"

"That's not true," he shakes his head.

"You're the one who plays tennis," I shrug, holding my hands out. He laughs and I shake my head. Liam helps Harry by covering his view so no one could see what he was actually doing.

"Anyway, I might get out of here, been here for too long," I shrug and he nods, looking where she was before Harry took her. He furrows his brows and looks around.

"You okay?"

"London— it's okay I'll find her, bye Louis,"

"Yeah...bye...Will?" I forgot his name so I just wave and walk away. I make sure he's not looking before I see Niall nodding to me in goodbye with a girl hanging on his shoulder. I wink and go through the back door and see Liam and Harry putting her in the car, putting a blindfold on so in case she does wake up, she doesn't remember where we were going.

"God, don't make it so obvious!" I whisper shout, covering them as they shove her into the car.

"She's dead weight, asswipe," Harry snaps and I roll my eyes.  They also tied her hands together so she couldn't move to take her blindfold of if she woke up.  I huff and look at her head dropped on the seat, her hands tied and her dress had ridden up a little bit.

"You have to, Louis..." Harry says softly and I nod because I knew that.

"I know, I don't care. I'm just looking at the girl I own," I grin, closing the door.

"Well let's go before my father kills you. Niall said he's get home tomorrow morning cause he's gonna fuck her friend to get information,"

I nod. "All good, let's get out of here before I have to listen about boys complaining again," I hop into the seat next to her, so I can make sure she doesn't hurt herself and it was gonna be like this for a while.

Fuck I hate my job sometimes.


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