seventy five

39 0 0

Louis Tomlinson
We drove around the neighborhood for a good 30 minuets, London had her window down, looking incredibly hard at everything. I was getting bored of this, this dog was gone. I was getting over this.

I want London back, for the obvious but I want her to know I'm never gonna do it again, and she needs to know that because I miss her. I miss her touch. I have been holding back for a long time, because I'm like the horniest person I know, but I've been teeling myself I don't deserve to do anything and it's working. I don't want to do anything thats going to make her uncomfortable.

I just want her to trust me again.

I hate myself for ever doing that to her. And I can blame no one but myself for it. I knew right from the start she wasn't going to be used to anything like that, and I don't know why I did it. Iit happened ages ago it feels but it was only almost 2 weeks ago.

"There!" she screams and it snaps me out of my thoughts and I flinch, slamming on the breaks. The car jolts and she opens the door, I stop the car and I get out the car.

"London!" I call, chasing after her as she runs across the road. I look back at the car and it wasn't in the way. I see her run up to the people that were petting her and she was nuzzling back into them.

"Cherry," she says and Cherry looks at us, her ears pricking up.

"Is this your dog?" the girl says, holding a little boy in her arms, seeming to be no older than 6 months old, there was a boy behind her, holding a bag and a stroller. I lean down and scoop Cherry up and she starts licking my cheeks, London patting her as well.

"Yes, she ran out the house,"

She just nods, looking at us holding Cherry. "Well you should watch her more carefully," the boy says.

"Yes, I know, I'm sorry," I say, actually meaning this.

"¿Sabes español?" I hear the boy say which makes me look up at him.

"Sí," I nod, and he nods back.

"Me alegro de que lo hagas, porque tu chica es sexy, y si no tuviera un hijo, te la compraría,"

I stare at him and I slowly shake my head. In english, he said he wanted to buy her off me of he didn't have a kid.

"No," I say with the accent. "No, ella no va con nadie, no le confío a nadie,"

"Oh vaya, que vergüenza. Le mostraría lo bueno que soy," he smirks and I know the girls have no idea what we're on about. I clench my fist and shake my head.

"Incluso entonces no te dejaría. Nadie toca a mi niña hermosa," I end that conversation and London looks up at me confused. "Don't worry, I'll explain after," I nod and so does she.

"I didn't know you knew Spanish, not many people do," the girl says, holding the kid.

"Mm, we'll I was forced to learn kt,"

"You're Louis Tomlinson, right?" the boy now says. "And your, hermosa is London right?"

Why does everyone know who she is?

"Yeah," she nods. "How do you know me?" she says and he chuckles.

Todos saben lo sexy que eres y tenemos muchos chicos que quieren follarte, pero Louis es egoísta y te quiere solo para él," he says and I was about to snap.

"Stop," I shake my head, I knew that but I never told her that. I knew Harry was on it, and I had to let him.

I hand London Cherry and she gasps, holding her tightly, clipping on the lead we brought and puts her down. "Stop talking to her like that," I shake my head, ready to beat the shit out of this guy.

"Louis, don't," London says and I wasn't going to so I shake my head. "Thank you so much for finding her,"

"Oh, she kinda found us but, make sure she's not able to run away, she scared my baby,"

I roll my eyes but jone of them see. "We're really sorry, it won't happen again," she nods and she does too. They walk away and she picks up Cherry again. I nod at her and walk back to the car because I know she's following.

We make it to the car, and she puts Cherry on her lap. "Don't run away like that again," she scolds. "I was worried," she pouts. Cherry makes a little whining sound and licks her cheeks and London kisses her head, propping her knees up and holding Cherry against her.

I catch myself smiling at her so I look away and start the car up. She giggles as Cherry licks her cheeks and I start to drive home. I couldn't stop thinking about if she's finally good with me. She knows I won't do it again, but she just needed time away from me and it's been a while.

I just miss her. I've said it before but I do. I realise that I don't even sleep well without her, and I've been smoking without her knowing it as well but I'll feel selfish if I did anything else like it. I don't even want to have sex with her, I just want her back and I want what we used to have h too K fucked it up.

The car ride was silent and parts of me was fine with that because I don't even know what to say to her. I wanna ask if we're okay now but I also don't want to pressure her into anything.

When we get home, none of us leave the car. "Thank you.." she says to me and I look at her.

"What for?" I ask and she smiles down at Cherry.

"Helping me find her," she said with a smile. "She means a lot to me, so thank you,"

I just nod and she looks down and I look out the window. I hear her swallow and I  lose my eyes. "You coming?" she asks as she opens the door and lets Cherry out but she was on a lead.

"Huh? Oh yeah, I'll be in shortly," I nod. "You know the code,"

She folds her lips in a line and smiles softly and closes the door. I watch her walk over to the door and she types in the code, slowly like she's trying to remember it. When it turns green she opens the door and it falls shut behind her.  I put my head on the steering wheel, softly knocking my head against it. I just miss her.

Is she ready to forgive me though?

I didn't know but I wanted too.

you'll get some louis and london in the next few chapters promise ☺️

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