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London Reed"London

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London Reed
"London.." I hear Louis knock on my door and I sit up.

"Yeah?" I whisper and he opens the door.

"Can you...can you come in here?" he whispers.

It's been a few hours since we made out on the couch and I honestly can't stop thinking about him to the point where I can't sleep. I got ready for bed by brushing my teeth and washing my face but other than that, it's been hard to get him off my mind and I hate admitting that.

I get out of my bed and he stands in the hallway and I stand out there with him. "Are you okay?" I ask, looking up at him.

"Yeah..." he nods. "Um..come in here,"

He takes my hand and pulls me into his room and I actually let it happen. I look around his room and I hear the door closed. I turn around and he walks up to me. "Are you okay?" I whisper.

He nods. "Yeah..can you...stay, in here?"

I swallow. "Why..?" I whisper.

"I don't know," he whispers. "Can you?"

I nibble on my lip and sigh silently. "Okay.." I nod. He nods and pulls me into him by my hips which gave me major butterflies but I definitely didn't let him know he had such an affect on me. He walks me backwards and behind my knees meet with the edge of the bed.

He crawls above me and I take it in to lay down and I was extremely nervous of what was going to happen next but he just leans into peck my lips which definitely eased me. I definitely didn't want to have sex with him so if that's he's here for then he can get fucked and I will leave.

But to my surprise, he left me there and he laid down and I took it in that this is why he wanted me here. I lay next to him, the two of us shuffling over closer to each other. He faces me and I look up at the ceiling, thinking about how the fuck I got here.

"London.." he whispers and I turn my head to face him.

"Yeah?" I ask.

"I'm sorry.." he whispers and it makes me widen my eyes. Why is he sorry?

"What for..?"

"I don't know.."

I furrow my brows. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine,"

"I'm just thinking about how you and Erin have had sex here,"

"I never fuck anyone under the sheets, only on top,"

"What? Why?"

"Because, why would I?"

"Because normal people do that?"

"I bet you do that,"

"I did, yes," I nod.

"You probably get fucked in missionary,"

"What's...that?" I feel my cheeks heat.

"You don't know what missionary is? You must be a virgin,"

"I'm not a virgin," I shake my head, turning to face him.

"Then how the fuck do you not know what missionary is?" he asks.

"Is that a code word for something?"

"Oh my god— it's a fucking sex position I have never done and never will,"

"Is that the normal one?"

"The one where the girls laying down and the boys on top? Yes. See?"

He sits up and gets on top of me, on all fours and I widen my eyes. He looks down at me, smirking and I have to clamp my legs tighter for a reason I didn't know. "Do I intimidate you?"

"Yes," I nod.

He gets on me and lays back down. "Then I win," he grins, and I chose not to ask what he meant.

"Oh.." I whisper. "I didn't know that," I continue on with the conversation.

He folds his lips in a line and tries not to smile. "How are you not a virgin?"

"Because..the obvious,"

"Is Will good at it?"

"Good at what?" I murmur.

"Sex," he huffs.

" don't wanna answer that," I shake my head.

"Why?" he asks. "I get told I'm great which boosts my ego,"

"I can tell.."

"Yeah well, you'll see,"

"I'm not having sex with you,"

He smirks and shrugs. "Is Will good?"

"he's the only one I've been with," I admit.

His eyes widen. "Wait— no one else?"

"No, we started dating when we were like sixteen," I shrug.



"Because you' Will's...Will, you know?"

"What are you saying?"

"I met Will," he says and I already know that. "You can do much better, he's to ugly for you,"

I drop my jaw. "Louis!" I sit up.


"That's not true!"

"I'm just saying!"

"Well don't, it's not nice," I scold.

"Face it London," he sits up too. "You're hot, and Will isn't ugly but he's definitely not hot, you could do so much better,"

I understand what he's saying but I couldn't help but get butterflies in the fact he called me hot. "I know what your saying," I nod.

"Now can you come here?"

I roll my eyes and lay back down, but I shiver. He gets under the covers and I look at him, doing the same. I lay on my back and close my eyes, trying not to think about anything so I can sleep.

But when Louis traces my arm, my eyes open and I look at him. He moves his hand away. "Sorry," he whispers. I roll over and curl into a ball to keep myself warm like always, and I hear him sigh.

I then feel him wrap his arm around me and it made my eyes shoot open. I realised he was..nervous to do this but to ease his nervousness, I shuffled back into him, my ass on his crotch now.

"Are you okay with this?" I whisper.

"Yes," he replies. "Are you?"

"If you keep me warm then yeah,"

He breathes out a smile, and finally pulls me into him. I nuzzle into the pillow we were half sharing and I close my eyes. And there we lay, not fond of each other but we still decide to put up with each other for a night.

I was drifting off into a sleep when he reached over to turn what I assume the lamp off and that's when I hear him taking his shirt off, and his hand slides under my shirt to hold my stomach. I smile and nuzzle into the pillow and I feel my droopy eyes fall shut into a sleep.

i have all these chapters planned out and if you're confused by anything i'm sorry :/

sometimes when i reread my chapters i'm like...what the fuck? how does that work and it doesn't make sense— i know lmao i'm sorry

just comment if ur ever confused ❤️❤️

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