ninety five

22 0 0

Harry Styles
We stayed there, for a while. They didn't want to move and I get it.

Millie just lost her brother, and the only person she has left of her family.

London just lost her "boyfriend", and the one person I know she cares a lot for

I don't know their situation, I just figured they were dating. They were so close.

I just remember a few snippets of them together, I've spotted them in public a few times.

London is going to be okay, but she'll be very sad, especially because she cares about him, I can tell.

I couldn't just leave her without an owner, and she's not pregnant so she can't even go into the female care zone, because they can't look after her if she isn't pregnant.

I know the next person in line to take her into her care, is Luca. And I know Louis would actually snap my neck in half if I let it happen. Millie fell asleep on my lap and London was just scrolling theoigh his he photos and crying, and she asked me a lot of questions I didn't know how to answer.

And she brought up someone called Anita? I don't know who that is, I just assumed it was one of Louis' old girlfriend but when I said I had no idea who that was, she wouldn't say another word about it. I switched my leg for Londons and I went or the main office to find my father.

"Mark." I say and he looks up at me.

"Styles." he nods at me once.

"You got a minute?"

"Is this about Louis? It's not my fault, Harry, he knew his fate."

"It's about London." I say and he furrows his brows. "London Reed."

He nods like it clicked to him who I was talking about. "She doesn't have an owner,"

"Isn't Luca next in line then?"

"I can't let her go with him," I shake my head.

"Why?" He shrugs.

My father is a bit cold hearted. But I had an idea how to soften him up a bit.

"Before I ask, I have something to tell,"

He looks down at the paperwork. "Go on,"

"Amelia is pregnant." I blurt out and he looks up at me. His eyes light up.


"Yes." I nod. "She's early along, and we found out like..2 days ago,"

"That's great news." He grins. "Let have hopes for a boy,"

"Yes," I agree. "But father, back to London, please." I beg.

He sighs. "Of she doesn't go with Licw, she also gets killed."

"Let her stay with me then?"

"You can't. You have Amelia, you know th rules Harry."

"Yes, I know but—"

"I can't." he shakes his head.

"I won't let anyone know she's in my care, I just...You know Luca.." I add.

He chuckles. "He's a prick to women, I know."

"Right..please." I beg. "I would t be saying any of this if I didn't care what happens to her, but I do. And it'll make Amelia happy,"

"Harry," he huffs. "It's the rules,"

I sigh. "She's going to get hurt.."

"How do you know?"

"Poppy." I bring up.

"Your sister is somewhere in the world, what would she know?" he rolls his eyes. I haven't heard from her in over a year, I've tried texting her but she hasn't even seen the message,. I think she doesn't care about me anymore, and it's hard.

"It doesn't matter, you have to believe me. The amount of girls he's assaulted..If hate if she was added to that list."

"I know you wanna protect your friends girlfriend, but she's not your priority. She's Louis' and he agreed on a agreement form that she'd go down the line, and Luca is next in line."

"Does he even know that?"

"No." he shakes his head.

"That's good, if he doesn't know then she won't get hurt,"


"She just lost the only thing that's keeping her here. She doesn't deserve to be assaulted, abused or hurt here. She was an innocent gilr before we took her which you instructed us to do. Please open your eyes," I literally beg, in a tone now.

"Don't give me that tone."

"Even if we just send her home, that's better than anything, and if she's not pregnant, then what's the point of having her here?"

He looks up at me and he's right. She's pretty useless if she doesn't carry on Louis' name. And if she gets given to Luca, she's gonna be so hurt, and If hate myself of that happened to her.

He sighs. "Fine," he rolls his eyes and mine light up. "If anyone ever finds out that I broke the rules, I'd be killed, okay? If anyone asks, she was sent home,"

"Yes, I got it." I nod, happily.

"She can stay with you, until she leaves, or you can give her back,"

"I won't let anyone find out," I sign a form and he does too. "Thank you, father."

"Whatever," he breathes out heavily.

I grin and take the new form he hands me and I fold it up in my pocket. His guard moves out the way, and I exit. I walk back to where Millie was now listening to London, the two of them still curled together on the wall.

They see me walk over. "London," O day and she swallows.

"What's going to happen to me?"

"You're staying with us for a few days. I'm signing you under my care u til we have time to organise and send you back home,"

The London I know would have been crying in happiness if I told her this 6 months ago, but she just nods, like stone. Millie squeezes my arm. "You'll be gone from here for good."

She looks a Mills. "Yeah..." she says glumly.

Millie smiles sadly at her and then smiles at me. "C'mon, let's go home." I say to them and they nod, I help Millie up, and then London stands up and wraps her arms around her stomach. I grab Mills' hand and we walk, London behind us as she sniffs to herself.

was going to make it so she goes with Luca but then I realised i really didn't wanna wrote anything like that, so she's going with harey

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