seventy nine

34 0 0

London Reed
Louis drove us to the shops, to get some more face masks. I can't believe he has never put a face mask on before. It makes sense as to why he hasn't, but I still think he should know what its like. It makes my skin really soft and smell like fruit.

Once we got there, he held my hips as I take him down the aisle. He starts nibbling on my ear and I tilt my head to get him to stop. "Louis..we're in public." I whisper.

"I know.." He whispers. "I'm horny."

"You're always horny."

"I know. Now more than ever."

I roll my eyes and pick up a small container, and two sheet masks. "Is this too expensive?"

"Baby, I don't care about price, I'm loaded."

I roll my eyes again and take him to the register. She scans them through, and Louis scans his number, and then his card. "Thank you!" I say as Louis pulls me out and she smiles at us, shaking her head.

I got in the car, and so did Louis. I giggle as he started the car up. "Am I going to look gay?"

"No! Don't say stuff like that!" I shake my head. "Of course it won't, why would it matter anyway?"

"Because I'm not."

"Well yeah, but no one else is gonna see you except me." I say. The car drives as he plays Pistol, byCigarettes After Sex through the speakers. It was only a one song trip home.

Once we get home, he unlocks the door, and then closes it behind him. We walk into his bathroom in the bedroom, and I place the stuff down.

I jump up on the counter and he looks at everything. I take the headband and put it over his face, pushing it back to his hair line to keep all his messy brown hair back. "Wait, what's this?"

"It's just to hold your hair back, you don't wanna get anything in your hair."

He whines. "Just chill." I roll my eyes. He huffs, and let's me put it on him. He stands in between my legs, and I wet the wash cloth, and then wipe it over his face gently. Every time I got close to his lips, he's bite.

"Louis!" I yell. He grins and I wet his face, patting it dry with the other end. I open the tub, and dig my fingers into the green cream, and start gently starting over his nose, going up between his brows, and across his forehead.

I nibble on my lip in concentration, and I could feel him watching me, but I continue to spread it across his face. "It feel gross."

"You'll have younger looking skin." I ass, turning his head, applying it just under his jaw. Once I finished, I look at him and he was not happy.

"This is gross."

I laugh. "You look cute!"

"No, I don't. I look like a night of drinking gone wrong."

I toss my head back and laugh and he snickers. "It's true!"

"You look like you have a face mask on."

He rolls his eyes. "Your turn." I shrug and we swap, so I was sitting on the counter, and he stood in between my legs, and started to scoop it on his fingers.

I already had a headband holding my hair back, so my hair wasn't getting in the way. I watch him do it, and I also see his face mask drying. "Stop looking at me." He said straight up while tilting my head back and I shake my head.

"No." I cross my arms. He looks down at me and rolls his eyes, and then he leans in for a kiss.


"Mhm." I hum. He continues to put it on my cheeks, across my forehead and down to my chin. Once he finished, I hopped off the counter and looked at myself in the mirror, and he actually did a good job at applying it.

"It's making me itchy." He complains.

"You've only got a little while longer, stop complaining." I pick up his phone and hold the camera icon in the corner so it opens the camera app. I turn the camera around, and hold it to the side and Louis looks into the camera in the mirror and I smile.

I take a picture and he's quick to lean into my neck which makes me tilt my head and actually laugh as I take the picture and he kisses my skin. I pull away and he opens his phone, and shows me the photos.

"I approve." I nod and he smiles.

"I don't hate that picture."

"Of course not." I shake my head.

"Can I take it off now? it's making me itchy!"

I roll my eyes. "Fine."

He grabs a towel and wets it and wastes no time before he starts wiping it off his skin. He's so perfect, and I wish he saw himself the way I see him.

I waited a few minutes before I took mine off too, and when I did, I put a bit of moisturiser on, just to keep my skin hydrated and Louis spins me around, catching me off guard but he kisses me.

i haven't written this book in over two months lol, this is the first chapter i have actually written 💀

^^and i wrote that almost 3 months ago lol

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