thirty one

114 2 2

London Reed
Louis has been working for the past week and Erin was still sulking over the fact Louis wouldn't hook up with her and I still don't know the real reason. A lot has happened this week though, interesting stuff.

Other than the fact Louis leaves for work at 8am and comes home at 6pm. I'm home alone and he still gives me the list of chores to do. He still is iffy about me leaving the house when he's not there but I'm slowly going insane by watching the same shit again.

But, I feel like he's softening a lot. When I met him he was cold as ice but now he's like...I dunno. He's very caring of me and we sleep together in the same bed, his bed. His room is like a mystery, during the night I get up to go to the toilet, his wardrobe is still always locked and I don't know why.

But today, he left for work like usual. At 8am.

"Will you be home normal time?" I shiver, now his warm body was gone. He pulls his jeans up, zipping them up and doing the button up, walking over to the floor near my side and picks it up, he was still shirtless.

"Why?" he puts it through the loops. "I will,"

"Okay," I nod, as he tightens it with the band of his underwear poking out at the top. He leans over to tuck hair behind my ear. I smile and nuzzle into the covers but curl up in a ball.

"I'll be back at 7," he whispers. "Please don't leave," he whispers.

"I won't," I shake my head. "Why does it have to be so early when you leave?"

"I feel bad, we can fuck later tonight?" he offers. "Or..." he smirks. He brings his fingers to his lips, rubbing the sides of his mouth with his fingers while forming then into a V shape and to top it all off, he uses his tongue and sticks it out in between his fingers and it made my eyes widen. "What can I say.." he tuts. "You taste good,"

I bite my lip at his praise and open my eyes. "Do you have a daddy kink?"

"Yes," he nods. "I have many kinks,"

"What are they?" I ask, meeting eyes with him as he peels his shirt open and pulls it over his head.

"I have many," he walks over to his drawers and pulls out a dark blue hoodie. "Bondage," he admits. " name it,"

I smirk. "Okay, we'll you can go to work and I'll see you later, daddy," I wink but he shakes his head. 

"Doesn't work like that sweet," he shakes his head. "I'm going to work and I'll see you tonight," he kisses my head and walks out.

"Bye," I smile.

"Bye London," he says, closing the door behind him. I close my eyes again.

I decided to shower in Louis' room, he had like..expensive hair soaps and stuff which explains a lot. The ledge made it really easy to shave my legs and body because it was the perfect height. 
I took my time in there and used some of his washes that smelled like Louis.

I got out and dried myself, using Louis' cologne and then got changed into sweatpants and his Guns N Roses shirt that was to buy for me and braided my hair. I brushed my teeth and left the room after tidying it up a bit, making the bed he never makes.

I then watched more Orange Is The New Black for the now second time. I sat there bored but it was the only thing I had left to do because he didn't leave me a list of chores to do today.

By the time 5 rolled around, I had the idea to make a little date to go on. He said we were planning to have sex later so why not make it a date from home?

I made us something small, I put pasta in the boiling water, while I made a spaghetti sauce so hopefully he likes spaghetti. It took me forty five minuets to make it so it was 10 to 6. I served us both some and put them on the table, grabbing myself water and I found Louis some beer.

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