ninety nine

22 0 0

old chapter.

London Reed
"London," my mom breathes out as she pulls me in for a hug. But this time my brothers were surrounding her. Sam, Adrian and Hunter. I look at them through my eyelashes while hugging mom and they all smile with tears in their eyes.

"London.." Sam breathes. I pull away and he tackles me in for a hug and I hug him back. Adrian puts his hand on my shoulder and I turn my head to look at him.

"Hi.." I murmur into him. He pulls away and he besties out a smile and a tear rolls down his cheek. I smile back and feel myself get emotional.

I pull away from him and Adrian opens his arms and I run into them. "Hey," he sniffs and Hunter stands behind us, and Adrian pulls away, and Bunter hugs me now too.

I may have always gotten along with them but I have missed them so fucking much.

"Mom, told us everything," he breathes out.

"We were so worried about you," Sam says and they all crowd me.

"I know, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to worry you,"

"Mom said someone took you...Lewis?"

My heart sank.

"Louis," I correct.

"Is his last name..Tomlinson?"

I look up. "Yes." I nod.

They all look at each other, and they all look back at me. "Mom him?"

I tear up instantly and I nod sadly. "Yeah..."

"And you ran off with him again?"

I shake my head and they all look confused. "You know where dad and Marcus is?"

They all nod, even my mom. "Wel I happen to be Louis' girl, and then when he let me shot..."

They all look at me. "And he...died," I let a tear slip from my eye. "And I never got to tell him how I feel or say goodbye," I inhale sharply and breathe out. "And he's gone.."

I start crying, J drop my head and screw my eyes shut at the fact of Louis, and they all hug me together. It felt so good to be back in my family's arms but I love Louis, and I wish I never had to witness him die.

My mom plays with my hair and sighs as my brothers back up a bit. "I'm sorry to hear that, Lon, but he did kidnap you," she hugs me from the side and ai shake my head.

"It wasn't him. It was Harry," I don't mean to out the blame on him because I'd never be mad at Harry for it.

"Styles?" Adrian says and I nod.

"I know his sister,"

My eyes light up, I decided to distract myself from Louis for at least a little. "Really? How?"

He looks at mom and shrugs and I already know what that means. "You did?"

"We met at a bar and she said her name was...Emily Styles, and she had a twin brother, Harry,"

"Wow," I smile. "I love Harry. He's dating Louis' sister and they're having a baby together now,"

"Louis' a prick," Sam says.

"No he's not," I get offended. "He's sweet, and he's kind, he put me before him—"

"And it got him killed. It's his own fault. All that matters is that you're home," mom says and I feel myself wanting to yell at her, but I didn't have the energy.

"I miss him," I feel my eyes fill with tears. "Don't...don't tell me he's a prick. You don't know him like I do,"

"All he does is fuck girls, does hardcore drugs and alcohol, and then he repeats it all,"

"So what? How do you know all of this?"

"Marcus," they all say at the same time.

"Did Marcus even know I was there?"

"No. But he just tells us about Louis. Louis' popular over there,"

I then think of Erin for some reason and she must know that I'm gone and Louis is gone, and I wonder how she must feel right now. She must feel terrible.

"I..I don't care, I know the real Louis,"

"He's got bad reputation. Tahts all that matters, no one cares if he's a sweetheart. He kidnapped our baby sister and kept you hostage from almost a year,"

"I actually enjoyed it?"

"Well that's on you," they shrug. "But London, he deserved death,"

"You're wrong," I shook my head. "You can tell me that but I know he doesn't deserve any of this. He's misunderstood, and I got him, and no one else did,"

"There's a reason," Hunter said.

"I love Louis," I remind them and they all cringe at the words. "And I will keep loving him,"

"What about Will?"

"He's dating my best friend, and he tried to lie to me about it, I don't care,"

"He cares," mom says. "I think you should fix things with Will. He's good for you," she says.

"No. He's not, you think everything is perfect but before I went with Louis, I knew nothing, and I thought I knew everything but I don't," I shrug and shake my head. "Louis taught me so much,"

"What? How to smoke and snort cocaine,"

Moms face got worried. "I've never touched a drug in my life, Louis wouldn't offer me anything like that," I defend. "Even if he did I wouldn't do it,"

"Then what did he show you?"

I shake my head, because it all had something to do with sex, and I'm not explaining what we did with each other sexually, they can be curious for all I care. I'm not telling them that Louis' fucked me in the ass.

"It doesn't matter.." it takes me a while to get out and Adrian shudders.

"He hurt you, didn't he?"

"No, I'm fine, really," I shake my head.

"Im just glad you're home, and you're staying here now " she pulls me in for a hug. I love my family but I really do miss Louis. 

Why do I get the feeling I'll never get over him?


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